Global Sustain Group in cooperation with Investment Bank Berlin (IBB), Forum for Responsible Investments (FNG) and International Bankers Forum (IBF) cordially invite you to our 3rd ESG Responsible Investments Green Finance & Brands Forum 2018,
26.09.2018, 16.30 – 21.00 (IBB Conference Centre)
16.00 – 16.30: Registration & Warming Up
16.30 – 16.40: Welcome / Introductory Remarks by Co-Organizers: Global Sustain, FNG, IBF
16.40 – 17.00: 1st Impulse Speech by Michael Spanos & Yannis Salavopoulos, Global Sustain Group
17.00 – 18.00: 1st Panel: ESG/SRI Market Trends & Investment Strategies with Q&A
- Ciaran McCale, Arabesque Asset Management
- Niels Meinefeld, RMA Asset Management
- Marius Cara, European Investment Bank
- Christian Pech, IBB
18.00 – 18.10: 2nd Impulse Speech by Angela McClellan
18.10 – 18.20: Short Coffee Break
18.20 – 19.10: 2nd Panel: Sustainable Finance Initiatives with Q&A
- Yvonne Zwick, German Council for Sustainable Development
- Gesa Vögele, Corporate Responsibility Interafce Center
- Joanna Radeke, ESMT
19.10 – 20.00: 3rd Panel: Connecting ESG/SRI with sustainable brands
- Antony Andrews, BP (Group Policy, ESG Relationship Lead)
- Sören Stöber, Trucost (S&P Global)
- Martina McPherson (ESG Lead), IHS Towers
20.00 – 21.00: Networking Reception with Buffett
Agenda is subject to changes
REGISTRATION: Please register online and secure your early bird ticket. For any further information, inquires or requests please do not hesitate to contact us under:
Cooperation Partners: FNG, IBB, IBF
Forum Silver Partner: Allianz General Representation Büsch
Forum Supporter: Talenteco
Forum Communication Partners: Handelsblatt, Handelsblatt Sustainable Investments Edition, Business Wire, Absolut Research, CAPITALS Circle Group
Best Regards,
Yannis Salavopoulos
Managing Director, Global Sustain GmbH
Lecturer, SRH Berlin Int. Management University