
International Archaeology Day 2023

International Archaeology Day 2023
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Hosted by
Jasmine Saxon

Community Connections LLC and Colorado Preservation Inc (CPI) are hosting International Archaeology Day 2023 at Red Rocks Park! This is by far one of the biggest public archaeology events in Colorado! In 2022 we had: 22+ booths and tables all about archaeology and history; 7 on-site tours of cultural sites; and 3 professional speakers. 

This has been an ongoing FREE public event for the past 11 years! Anyone interested in history and archaeology is welcome! This year there will be ranger-led tours of Red Rocks Park a tour of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Camp tours of Lamb Spring Archaeological Preserve and many more! 

Booths and tables will be set up with multiple activities around history and archaeology for kids of all ages. Three professional speakers will also be in attendance this year to discuss topics in history and archaeology.

Food and beverages will be available for purchase from local food trucks and vendors. This event will be held outside in the Lower South Parking Lot #2. Shelter will be provided but please be sure to prepare appropriately. Parking is available on-site.

635 Views - 02/04/2023 Last update
culture exhibit education
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
West Alameda Parkway 18300, Morrison, 80465, Colorado, United States
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West Alameda Parkway 18300, Morrison, 80465, Colorado, United States
Red Rocks Park and Amphitheatre
West Alameda Parkway 18300, Morrison, 80465, Colorado, United States
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  1. Jasmine Saxon
  2. International Archaeology Day 2023
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