
Inspiring Learning: Food & Textiles International Event (UAE)

Inspiring Learning: Food & Textiles International Event (UAE)
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 Inspiring Learning: Food and Textiles (UAE)

Al Yasmin School Logo

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A 2 day event bringing together Food & Textiles teachers in secondary schools to
update and inspire with new teaching ideas.

Draft Programme (details to follow):

Day 1 – TUESDAY 5th DECEMBER 2017

9.30-11.00 Welcome and Keynote presentation:  Guest presenters: Louise Davies & Dawn Foxall

Design and Technology, Food and Textiles Education update/overview
Discussing the current challenges of new GCSE, iGCSE and other IBO/MYB courses -  time to air questions and network

Coffee break

11.30-13.00 Workshop 1 (Food & Textiles split
Food: Teaching Food Science and Nutrition – review, planning and managing the curriculum for successful Food Science teaching (11-16 years). There will be some focus to support the first year GCSE Food Preparation and Nutriton 2018 (Non Examination Assessment 1) but also shared updating for the current iGCSE Food and Nutrition and new specification iGCSE from 2020.

Textiles:   Pattern Drafting for 11-16 years – using tools and methods as industry.


2.00- 3.30 Workshop 2 

Food: Teaching Practical Skills  – requirements, planning and managing the Practical Skills teaching and assessment. There will be some focus to support the first year GCSE Food Preparation and Nutriton 2018 (Non Examination Assessment 2) but also shared updating for the current iGCSE Food and Nutrition and new specification iGCSE from 2020

Textiles: Techsoft 2D CAD software - using 2D as a basic design tool to make geometry and design and make your own print/sublimation patterns.

Day 2   WEDNESDAY 6th December 2018

 9.30- 11.00 Workshop 1 
Food:       Great 11-14 years teaching - learning and assessment ideas

Textiles:  Practical creative workshop with Toria Johnston. (TBC - either Felting Making; Screen Printing or Fabric Manipulation) 

Coffee break

11.30- 1.00 Workshop 2 
Food:      Exam Revision techniques for all exam courses - Sharing best practice

Textiles:  Electronics in Textiles workshop


2.00- 3.30  Discussion  
Planning next steps and the school year ahead

Kimberley Workshop

What people say about our events:

 “New information, insight into new curriculum, new experiences and stimulus from experts who you would never see in your normal teaching conferences or experiences within schools!” 

“Meeting fellow food teachers, learning more about the new GCSE…..OFSTED. To be honest I loved it and thought it was the best course I have been on. “ 

“Excellent speaker and information was so vital to everyday teaching.....thank you!”

 “Gave me a chance to clarify so many issues (time to think with lots of practical advice from subject specialist      experts).”

"Really well presented / very informative / fantastic resources / should really help with planning."   

Benefits of the programme:

1.    Up to date with the latest curriculum and assessment requirements.
2.    Improve exam grades; increase your higher grades and minimise border line achievement.
3.    Make secure decisions and save time by knowing what is ahead  and plan the future for the subject.
4.    Establish a vital position in the school for the subject contributing to wellbeing measures as well as
       academic ones.
5.    Explore practical ways to engage and motivate students actively in classroom learning.
6.    Techniques and student activities for all abilities to participate and collaborate.
7.    Raise student’s interest, re-engage disaffected or disenfranchised students.
8.    Resource ideas, projects and experiments that demonstrate progress in learning.
9.    Bring all the learning back to school and share through a digital delegate pack.

Your guest presenters:

Louise Davies Photo

Louise T Davies (Food Teachers Centre)

Louise has been in food education for over 30 years teaching food and D&T in London and Surrey as well as senior leadership in schools, but also in curriculum development and teacher training: as Deputy Project Director, Royal College of Art Schools Technology Project; D&T PGCE course leader at Brunel, Bath, South Bank Universities and the Open University; and Ofsted ITE Additional Inspector.

 With six years at Qualifications & Curriculum Authority (QCA) advising government on D&T national curriculum and examinations and eight years as Deputy Chief Executive at the D&T Association, Louise led innovation across a diverse range of high profile curriculum and professional development programmes. She is nationally recognised for ground breaking work in food and textiles education (Food in Schools programmes, Licence to Cook, Active Kids Get Cooking), and across D&T. From 2014-16 headed up the School Food Champions programme, part of the School Food Plan.

A prolific author with over 50 D&T textbooks, including GCSE Revision and Practice Food Preparation and Nutrition (Collins), Challenging your most able pupils in D&T, Meeting SEN in D&T and 101 Red Hot Starters. Louise offers advice to United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, Department for Education and key food education organisations, working as Adviser to the Department for Education on the new GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition. 

Dawn Foxall PicDawn Foxall (Textiles Skills Academy)

Dawn has 30 years’ experience in the textiles and garment industry including running her own label for 11 years after graduating from Nottingham Trent in Knitwear Design. She has since worked as a design consultant; schools presenter and resources developer for EMTEX; As Fashion lecturer and programme developer at various UK universities and FE colleges; Resources developer and course presenter for Design & Technology Association, Key Stage Developments (KSD), SFE and other course providers.

Dawn co-founded where she managed design, buying and sourcing for the brand for 12 years until June 2016. In 2010 she designed and developed the first fully Fairtrade and organic cotton clothing range, used in the Fairtrade Foundation Association’s celebration campaign photoshoot and exhibition. She continues to work with Fairtrade and organic factories in India designing and sourcing ethical, sustainable and British made products for brands such as Lush Soaps and Weleda Skincare.
 She recently launched her knitwear brand Foxology ( working with British knitters. Since January 2017 Dawn teaches pattern drafting at Fashion Enter Ltd. in Haringey, North London.
In January 2015 Dawn launched the Textiles Skills Academy which she continues to lead, along with managing Textile Teachers Centre closed Facebook group of over 2500 teachers, providing support for D&T and Textiles teachers through CPD courses and online communities.

Toria Johnston  (Al Yasmina School)Toria Johnston Profile pic

 Toria Johnston has a first class honours degree in Textiles, Materials and Technology (BSc) from Manchester Metropolitan University. Prior to teaching she built a small retail business for independent fashion designers to display and sell their work along with her own garments. Toria started her teaching career in 2012 and is starting her third academic year with Al Yasmina Academy in Abu Dhabi.

Carmel O'Sullivan PicCarmel O'Sullivan (Al Yasmina School)

Carmel O’Sullivan graduated with a first class honours degree in Home Economics and Science/Biology (B.Ed) from St Angela’s College in Co. Sligo. Carmel has a special interest in Nutrition and hopes to complete a Masters in the field in the near future. Carmel started her teaching career in 2011 and has recently joined the team at Al Yasmina Academy.



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  1. Food Teachers Centre (Founder Louise Davies)
  2. Inspiring Learning: Food & Textiles International Event (UAE)
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