
Body Breath & Mind Masterclass Series with Simon Borg-Olivier

Body Breath & Mind Masterclass Series with Simon Borg-Olivier
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A 3 PART MASTERCLASS SERIES WITH THE WORLD ACCLAIMED PHYSIOTHERAPIST, SCIENTIST & YOGA MASTER SIMON BORG-OLIVIER Simon Borg-Olivier MSc BAppSc(Physiotherapy) APAM c-IAYT is an unmatched wealth of knowledge which comes from merging modern medical science with ancient eastern wisdom and practice. He is a highly respected Yoga Master, Exercise-based physiotherapist, a university lecturer and research scientist. For more than 50 years he has gained a deep understanding of Applied Medical Science and taught and studied posture, movement, breathing and mental control from the great masters in Tibet, India, Japan and China. Athletic Longevity | Masterclass 1 Saturday May 6th 2:30 5:30pm Surgery is not the only solution to your knee problem. You can use simple posture and movement to strengthen and stabilise your knees to improve knee function and reduce chronic pain. Simon Borg-Olivier Learn how to strengthen, stabilise, mobilise your body for the sports and life you love. Spend the afternoon pulling apart and putting back together those troublesome areas like the knees, lower back, shoulders and the neck with a world acclaimed Master Yoga teacher, scientist and physiotherapist. Learn & practice how to: Reduce injuries | Prepare your body intelligently | Reduce the need for surgery or downtime | Train your joints and muscles through the full range of motion | Develop a mobile and pain-free body | Live pain free | + much more. The Science of Breath | Masterclass 2 Sunday May 7th 9:00 12:00pm In the modern world of sport, fitness and yoga there are many misconceptions when it comes to the topic of breathing. Learn the safest and most skilful ways to utilise your breath for athletic performance, mental effectiveness and whole system health and wellbeing from an acclaimed Master Yoga teacher, scientist and physiotherapist who has been practicing, studying and teach Breath for 50 years. Learn and practice how to: Breathe for athletic performance & recover | Breathe to recover | Optimise your immune system | Enhance energy levels | Use breath for Strength training | Increase blood flow | Increase mobility of the spine | Learn about self-induced hyperbaric oxygen therapy | Learn about self-induced Intermittent hypoxic training | and much more. Flow-states | Masterclass 3 * Sunday May 7th 1:30 4:30pm The flow state is something we are beginning to hear a lot about in modern psychology and the elite athlete's world. But what is it really all about? What happens to the brain and body are in the flow? How do you get there? What is the link between movement, breath and meditative states? What is the link between ancient eastern wisdom and practice and modern western science? And perhaps most importantly how can we utilise these mind states to master and enjoy life. (Pre-requisite: Only available in combination with Masterclass 1 or 2. Athletic Longevity or The science of Breath ) This weekend or individual sessions are suitable for: Martial Artists, Yoga Teachers & Practitioners, Jiu Jitsu Fighters, Professional Athletes looking to achieve superior performance, Physiotherapists, Sports Coaches, Breath Coaches, Fitness Professionals, Surfers, Dancers, Qigong Practitioners, and anyone who interested in in deepening their ability to use posture, movement and breathing to create positive effects on their fitness, longevity and mental and physical wellbeing. Prices: Full Masterclass (3 part program) $190 Grounded Members $180 Individual Session $80 Grounded Members $70 (Athletic Longevity & The Science of Breath only available as an individual class) Pair $140 Grounded Members $130 (Athletic Longevity +Flow states or Breath + Flow-States only*) F?or more questions contact

Views - 09/06/2023 Last update
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