Date: 18 – 20 March 2025
Venue: Adelaide Convention Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide, South
Australia 5000, Australia
The organisers of the Seagriculture Conferences, DLG Benelux, are
proud to announce that the first in-person event of Seagriculture
Asia-Pacific will be premiering in Adelaide, Australia from 18 - 20
March 2025. This marks a pivotal moment for the Seagriculture
Conferences expanding their borders and venturing into a new region,
bringing together participants from the Asia-Pacific region within the
seaweed value chain.
The Government of South Australia, along with its Team Adelaide
partners Business Events Adelaide and Adelaide Convention Centre, are
proud sponsors of Seagriculture Asia-Pacific 2025.
Seagriculture Asia-Pacific 2025 is supported by ASSA (the Australian
Sustainable Seaweed Alliance). ASSA’s mission is to scale up
environmentally responsible commercial farming of seaweed to provide
food, feed and bioproducts. ASSA provides a coordinated voice to
represent the Australian seaweed industry and to drive sustainable
growth of the sector right across the country.
The Seagriculture conference has been successfully organized since
2012 and has built up a solid reputation as the leading conference for
the seaweed industry. The addition of the Asia-Pacific edition
complements the existing European and US conferences. By organizing
Seagriculture Asia-Pacific, the organizers aim to foster collaboration
and knowledge exchange among industry professionals across Europe,
North America, and the Asia-Pacific region, thus driving positive
impacts on the industry and community
DLG Benelux
P.O. Box 257
3740 AG Baarn
The Netherlands
Tel: + 31 85 401 73 97
30/10/2024 Last update
Adelaide Convention Centre
North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000, Австралія, Adelaide, 5000, South Australia, Австралія