TWDG and VALAMPURI invite you to join us for afternoon tea to celebrate International Women’s Day.
Come along with your friends and be a part of a fundraiser to empower the women of SIRAKUKAL, a grassroots women’s organisation in the north of Sri Lanka.
15th March 2020
Castle Grand
Pioneer Room
14 Pennant Street
Castle Hill NSW 2154
AUDITORIUM STYLE SEATING - $50.00 (plus $3.84 online purchase)
Please transfer amount to:
Account name: Tamil Women Development Group (TWDG)
Bank: NAB
BSB: 082-171
A/C #: 7131 550 45
TWDG - Sulochana: 0407 916 264
TWDG - Damayanthy: 0418 160 763
VALAMPURI – Sashika: 0469 311 875
All donations(excluding ticket payment) to SIRAKUKAL will be processed by Sivan Arul Foundation and will be tax deductible.