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Self-love is a powerful thing but when you have a high level of self-confidence, you respect and value yourself.

Many of us would like to have higher self-confidence but struggle to overcome insecurity, fear, and negative self-talk.

We all experience moments which challenge our confidence, however, when we understand the sources of healthy self-confidence we can always work on cultivating it within ourselves.

Self-confidence waxes and wanes and takes work to build, develop and maintain.

With some reflection, hard work, and perhaps a shift in perception we can work towards a strong and stable belief in ourselves.

With Self-Love, your self-esteem improves, which makes you more confident. During this sound bath meditation, we will discover how your self-esteem and your self-worth are closely tied to the love you extend to yourself.

The beautiful thing is that the more worthy you feel, the more you have to give to the world, the more you love yourself and the more self-confident you are.

Did you know that having high self-esteem is associated with better health, better social lives, protection against mental disorders and social problems, healthy coping, and mental well-being and high levels of happiness.

You have Freedom from fear and anxiety, freedom from social anxiety, and less stress.

When you consistently erase love from this equation through negative self-talk or comparing yourself to others, your vision of yourself will naturally crumble.

Only when you love yourself can you begin to shed your insecurities and strengthen your sense of being, self-esteem and self-confidence.

Join me to discover ways to develop and maintain healthier habits to build your self-confidence and give yourself more self-love

We all experience moments which challenge our confidence, however, when we understand the sources of healthy self-confidence we can always work on cultivating it within ourselves.

When you practice SELF-LOVE, then you can have a realistic high opinion of yourself. You dont have to seek it by searching for any bit of evidence from others to validate your worth.

You can show self-confidence in many ways: in your behaviour, your body language, and in what you say and how you say it.

Everyone is in favour of high self-esteem but cultivating it can be surprisingly tough. Confidence is like a muscle, we have to build on it to make it stronger so say this often I AM CONFIDENT flex that muscle and awaken your inner power.

As human beings, we may never fully understand ourselves.

But perhaps it is the journey of exploring, understanding and becoming ourselves, that makes life worth living.

Join me in this sound immersive experience and journey to self-mastery.


Where: Stretch Wellness - 2/369 Illawarra Rd, Marrickville 2204

When: Friday 30th October 2020

Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm

Please arrive no later than 6:45pm for a 7pm start.

Duration: 90mins

How Much: $40 per person

What can I bring to the event?

Please wear comfortable appropriate clothing.

Bring your own yoga mat, blanket and pillow

You may bring a bottle of water (if you wish).

A journal and pen to write down any revelations or thoughts after the sound healing

An open mind and heart

Be sure to secure your spot as this is an intimate event with only 8 spaces available.

Meet Anastasia

Anastasia has trained in Sound Healing, Kinesiology, Reiki, Crystal Dreaming, and Aromatherapy massage and is exploring and researching the amazing health benefits of sound healing.

She is excited to share her love and passion of her crystal bowls and to be able to facilitate any clearing, release or deep healing during her sessions.

Views - 12/12/2020 Last update
Stretch Wellness Pilates Marrickville
2/369 Illawarra Road, Marrickville, 2204, NSW, AU
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Stretch Wellness Pilates Marrickville
2/369 Illawarra Road, Marrickville, 2204, NSW, AU
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