In partnership with Meat and Livestock Australia
[], Integrity Systems Company
[] and PSMA
[], FrontierSI []is
facilitating an Agricultural Property Definition workshop in Brisbane
on Friday 14 February 2020.
Digital integration of real time information for Australian producers
presents a massive value uplift for informed and timely
decision-making on a property. At a fundamental level, enabling
digital information to be integrated for producers, requires a spatial
property database containing accurate boundaries of Australian
agriculture producing properties. Currently, no complete and
maintained data set exists in Australia.
The land parcel component defining accurate boundaries of property is
well defined and accessible (land cadastre), yet it is not optimised
to provide a holistic linked view into all land parcels that
constitute a producing property, nor tagged to allow filtering to
agricultural properties. In fact, the definition of a ‘producing
property’ (or agriculture property) for all types of agri-foods
(i.e. grain, horticulture, livestock, hobby farms etc.) is not well
defined. For example, hobby farms may not be captured at all if they
do not meet the considerations for a primary producing property, yet
still produce agriculture outputs of noteworthy scale.
The workshop aims to gather stakeholder requirements from many sectors
of agriculture to help the research team develop a national definition
of agricultural property and an associated data model. The agenda will
• how this aligns to, and should coordinate with, other national
initiatives in this domain;
• your experience with existing agricultural property data and
definitions, and the barriers and frustrations associated with these;
• the current and potential use cases of agricultural property data
and their similarities and differences;
• your requirements for the new definition and the principals to use
for decision making;
• your requirements for the data model and the principals to use for
decision making.
Participants are required to bring their own device (laptop, tablet,
mobile phone) for internet access to complete an online survey and
polls during the day.
DATE: Friday 14th February 2020
VENUE: Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point Campus, QLD
[] - P Block, Level 4, Room P413
OTHER: Parking options available. Please refer to the map below.
trade shows
15/02/2020 Last update