
Health Retreat Hobart

Health Retreat Hobart
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Would you like to RETREAT from all the demands placed on you??

I remember the very first time I went to a weekend long retreat. Id had my second baby and I was desperately tired. I was back at work, a mother of 2, my dad had had a stroke and was living in care, and my mum needed support. So did I.

My husband was really supportive so I decided to attend a retreat south of Hobart. I had been doing some yoga so when this was offered by my instructor I decided to go. I must say I felt a little guilty at first because my youngest child was just 18 months old but my best friend encouraged me to put down those heavy buckets of motherhood and re-energise. I would have more to give, be in a calmer frame of mind and a better wife and mother for taking a few days break. Those buckets, she assured me, would be so much lighter after a few days off. She is a wise woman, my best friend, and she was right. So off I went to a local retreat. It was inexpensive, the food was nourishing and prepared for me, the accommodation was simple yet somehow luxurious. I recall being really emotional when my instructor tucked a blanket around my feet I was weary to the bone and that simple act of nurturing nearly undid me. Maybe I'm trying to recreate that experience with my retreats at Huon Bush Retreats.

Retreats are offered all over the world and they generally include aspects of slowing down and addressing stress levels via movement, meditation, exposure to nature or forest bathing, and quietness. Foodwise you can expect wholesome and nutritious food, and many regularly cater for vegan and vegetarian eating styles, as well as any personal dietary needs you may have. Your host will probably have some specific skills or approaches you may be interested in such as learning about fermenting, or making natural body products, meditation, or mindset coaching. All in all not all retreats are the same so consider what it is you are looking for before booking in. Mine, for example are not yoga retreats - I'm not yoga trained - but there will be elements that are similar - mindfulness. journalling, meditations and the food - do not under estimate me as your cook (I'm a bloody good cook . . . . and a waste in my family - so I am particularly looking forward to cooking for my guests)

Retreats simply are "a RETREAT from all the demands on you" - a time to be nurtured and surrender and just focus on your health. If this resonates with you I encourage you to make contact and see if my retreat is for you. There will be time in nature, to quieten the mind and just appreciate being you.

Payment plans are available - message me for more information

256 Views - 23/11/2020 Last update
Huon Bush Retreats
300 Browns Road, Huonville, 7109, TAS, AU
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