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18th Amendment Bar, Ballarat, Saturday 14th November

From Sat 14 November 2020 to Sun 15 November 2020
5:00 PM - 1:00 AM

Ladies and Gentlemen, We are so excited to be back open! Each ticket is $50, Which becomes a credit in the venue. Each seating time lasts for two hours with last call happening at 1 hour and a half into the seating, we will then deep clean and sanatise the venue before the next seating. Due to the current regulations we need Names, Phone Numbers and Email Addresses for all guests, this can be filled out on pages in the venue. As the new round of rules requests all guests will also be asked for ID / Proof of residence and anyone fron locked down suburbs will also be prohibited to enter. Because of limited numbers available tickets are non refundable.
12/12/2020 Last update

14 Camp St
14 Camp Street, Ballarat Central, 3350, VIC, AU

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  1. Ballarat
  2. 18th Amendment Bar, Ballarat, Saturday 14th November