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Mass for the Solemnity of St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Fri 19 March 2021
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Mass will be livestreamed on the parish Facebook page [] at the time of celebration. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING TICKET CONDITIONS: * Preference and priority will be given to parishioners of Our Ladys Parish and those who support the Parish. * All registrations are one time only. Registration enables us to keep accurate attendance records. You are welcome to register to attend Masses on other days by signing up on the pages for those days. * You must wear a mask or you will not be admitted. * Those who come to Mass should always be mindful of their own health. If you are in a vulnerable category (eg, over 70 years of age and/or immuno-compromised), or if you have any symptoms of cold or flu, you are strongly advised to stay home. Government directions remain that those who can stay home should do so. * The entry door will be opened at 9.00am and closed at 9.05am. Please be punctual, as latecomers will not be admitted. * You must bring your ticket with you, either on your device in the Eventbrite app or printed out. This will be scanned on arrival so we have accurate records of attendance. You will not be admitted without a ticket. * Seating is in designated places in the church. * Please be mindful of government recommendations about physical distance and maintaining a space of at least 1.5 metres between people. Related to this is the need to use designated entrance and exit doors, and to make use of hand sanitizer as you arrive and again as you leave. * You are requested to clear the building no later than ten minutes after the conclusion of Mass. This will enable the required cleaning to be carried out in a timely way.
20/03/2021 Last update

bedford road 14
church of our lady of perpetual help, ringwood, 3134, vic, au

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  1. Mass for the Solemnity of St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary