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Spherify the art of molecular food spheres

Sat 9 May 2020
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

A not-to-be-missed hands on workshop experience! You'll enjoy a 3 Hour spherification class with Dale Prentice to learn the art of molecular spherification and create some delicious recipes, which will include the use of food spheres as canapes, vegetarian garnish, meat garnish and a fabulous dessert. Plus you'll receive a $20 gift voucher towards any appliance or cookbook from Sous Vide Australia. You must check out the Cedar Lane Spherificator.
food courses
10/05/2020 Last update

The Upper Room @ Sous Vide Australia
5A Chris Drive, Lilydale, 3140, VIC, AU

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  1. Spherify the art of molecular food spheres