
STATE OF INNOVATION Summit: Future of Transport

STATE OF INNOVATION Summit: Future of Transport
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Future of Transport




What will the future of transportation look like in 2030? What innovations are needed to get us there and who will be the companies leading the way? What are the key things that need to be done differently to get us the best possible outcome? 

Innovations that have emerged or are currently emerging include electric and other new energy vehicles, connected and autonomous vehicles, new flexible business models for vehicle use, smart intelligent road and public transport infrastructure, self-parking technologies, vehicle internet of things, unmanned drone deliveries, artificial intelligence, and so on.

Join us to explore the innovation landscape in the transport sector, and to hear from our panel of speakers on what they think will happen over the next 10 to 15 years. They will give a range of perspectives that will challenge our current thinking.



Peter Damen, Chairman of Innovate Australia, CEO at Level 5 Design


Steve Beyer, Director of the Portfolio Strategic Projects Office, Department of Transport a state government perspective

Chris Watts, Manager Transport, The City of Pertha capital city perspective

Kellie Houlahan, Executive Officer, The Freight and Logistics Council – an industry perspective

Dylan Melsom, Transport Engineer\Planner at Arupa young professionals perspective

Professor Thomas Bräunl, The University of Western Australia, Faculty of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering – a technology perspective


The presentations will be followed by a Q&A session and a general discussion moderated by MC, Peter Damen


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Views - 09/04/2019 Last update
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  1. Innovate Australia
  2. STATE OF INNOVATION Summit: Future of Transport
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