
January School Holiday Basketball Clinic 7-10 Year old

January School Holiday Basketball Clinic 7-10 Year old
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A basketball focused clinic where children will be taught dribbling, passing, shooting, game play and team skills.

Held at the George Burnett Leisure Centre Tuesday 12 January 1:00pm to 4:00pm

For Children aged 7-10 years. $25 for the day clinic.

Bookings are limited.

For any further information please email or call 9474 0855

Views - 13/01/2021 Last update
George Burnett Leisure Centre
Manning Road, Karawara, 6152, WA, AU
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Manning Road, Karawara, 6152, WA, AU
George Burnett Leisure Centre
Manning Road, Karawara, 6152, WA, AU
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