
Rudy-Lee Taurua: "Diverse" at Fringe World

Rudy-Lee Taurua: Diverse at Fringe World
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Gay, mixed race, First Nation, raised by a single mother on the pension, working class, anxious, clinically depressed, domestic abuse survivor. Pick your diversity because multi-award-winning comedian Rudy-Lee Taurua has them all - but most importantly he has jokes. Jokes with actual punchlines! What some call dark humour, Taurua calls life. Taurua ticks all the "boxes" but fits into none of them - a truly unique perspective on this weird experience we call living. Hot off touring with Jim Jefferies, named on UK comedy bible Chortles 2022 Comedys Ones To Watch For list. Come for a journey where nothing is off limits, a show to find a laugh where you thought impossible.

Views - 18/02/2023 Last update
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