Stories are interwoven into our experience of life: they are how we
come to know ourselves and to know others, and they are also how
others come to know us in turn. Joan Didion said: “We tell
ourselves stories in order to live.” We also tell ourselves stories
in order to express what needs to be shared. Rather than suppressing,
bypassing or turning away from what is real and present, our emotions,
thoughts and values are a part of what it means to be human. Only in
allowing ourselves to hold all of these and connect them in our bodies
can we become free to express all of ourselves with new stories that
move us into a future we want to belong to. POWER is a concept that
has a lot of charge and edge around it. It can mean many different
things, and the way we respond to it can take many different shapes
and reveal conflicting stories within us. In this workshop, we’ll
explore the connection between power and recognition. What expressions
do various dialogues between these bring up for you? What does
leadership mean to you and how can you bring it into more embodiment?
If you know you can step into more power within your own leadership
style, you won’t want to miss this!
18/03/2025 Last update