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Positive Thinkers Toastmasters Club Meeting

Tue 14 April 2020
7:15 PM - 9:00 PM

TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL IS A NON-profit organization that gives its members the opportunity to develop and improve their public speaking abilities through local club MEETINGS, speech contests, and semi-annual conferences. POSITIVE THINKERS TOASTMASTERS CLUB IS A LOCAL CHAPTER OF TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL. Members of various ages come from a variety of backgrounds, occupations, ethnic backgrounds and countries. []Weekly meetings provide opportunities for better communication and leadership skills. Learn in a positive, fun, supportive club. Come to see for yourself. FREE to visit- no appointment required. Agenda: 7:15 PM Chair introduces the theme 7:25 PM Prepared Speeches 7:40 PM Speech Evaluations 7:55 PM Break 8:00 PM Table Topics 8:20 PM Table Topics Evaluation 9:00 PM Adjourn Meeting Table Topics is a long-standing TOASTMASTERS TRADITION INTENDED TO HELP MEMBERS DEVELOP THEIR ABILITY TO ORGANIZE THEIR THOUGHTS QUICKLY AND RESPOND TO AN IMPROMPTU QUESTION OR TOPIC. It typically begins after the prepared speech presentations and often covers a variety of topics. The Chair of the MEETING WILL INTRODUCE THE TABLE TOPICS MASTER, who will give a brief description of Table Topics and then call on respondents (guests or members) at random. Your response should express your thoughts clearly and succinctly, lasting one to two minutes. All guests are welcomed to participate in Table Topics!
15/04/2020 Last update

Roundhouse Community Arts & Recreation Centre
181 Roundhouse Mews, Vancouver, BC, CA

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  1. West End
  2. Positive Thinkers Toastmasters Club Meeting