War and Art is Sarah Slean's exploration of the intersection between
two of the most powerful forces in our world. This innovative
partnership between the 4 time Juno, 2 time Gemini nominated singer
and CSA winning composer and the HANNAFORD SMALLER BAND PROMISES TO BE
IN TURNS BEAUTIFUL, moving, and inspirational. All patrons require a
ticket of admission. To view our babies-in-arms policy and other venue
details, click here. For accessible bookings and support by phone or
email, contact the TO Live Box Office team at 416-366-7723 |
1-800-708-6754 | boxoffice@tolive.com. Please be aware that by
entering a TO Live venue, you assume all risks, hazards, and dangers
arising from or relating in any way to the risk of contracting
COVID-19 or any other communicable disease or illness, and that TO
Live and the St. Lawrence Centre shall not be held responsible or
liable for any claims relating to such risks, hazards, and dangers.
--- Net Event Capacity: 499
17/03/2025 Last update