What food issues matter to you? What are the biggest challenges and barriers our communities are facing with food? What food stories do you want heard? We want to hear from you!
The Toronto Youth Food Policy Council in partnership with
To help highlight the diverse food issues in our communities, the engagement session will feature 5 roundtables throughout the evening with designated facilitators who will bring their own stories and experience to the table. The roundtables will focus on: community food work, indigenous food sovereignty, food policy, youth voices and farmer experiences.
Each table will have a recorder, who will be taking note of major ideas and direct quotes from participants at each table. These notes will then be compiled into a summary which will be submitted to Food Secure Canada to be a part of a report that will be shared publically to contribute directly to a Food Policy for Canada.
Evening Schedule:
6:30-7:00pm - Introductions: TYFPC, Partners and Roundtable Facilitators and Dinner
7:00-8:00pm - Attendees will have the opportunity to visit up to 3 roundtables for 20 mins each:
- Roundtable #1- Community Food Work - Facilitator: TBA
- Roundtable #2 - Indigenous Food Sovereignty - Facilitator: TBA
- Roundtable #3 - Food Policy - Facilitator: TBA
- Roundtable #4 - Youth Voices - Facilitator: TBA
- Roundtable #5 - Farmer Experiences - Facilitator: TBA
8:00-8:30pm - Wrap-up and Closing Remarks
There will be a light meal served. Food is catered by two community caterers: Pat's Caribbean Catering
Want to know more about community engagement sessions that are taking place across Canada? Read below and visit here:
Food matters. Canadians make choices every day about food that directly impacts their health, environment, and communities. The Government of Canada is conducting consultations to get input from Canadians to help shape A Food Policy for Canada (link is external)that will cover the entire food system, from production to consumption to compost.
Food Secure Canada (FSC) members across Canada are hosting community engagement events called What’s Your Recipe for a Better Food System? towards the food policy consultations.
We want to bring a diverse set of voices to the table–community members with lived experiences of food insecurity, sustainable agriculture and fisheries leaders, local food business owners, and innovative community food programmers, among others–to talk about how we can build a healthier, more just, sustainable, and economically viable food system for all Canadians.
From these events, we will provide government with input and policy proposals from a range of regional food systems and perspectives across Canada to inform A Food Policy for Canada.
TYFPC strives to create spaces that are accessible and promote anti-oppression. This space and this event are open to all, and discrimination or harrassment based on race, class, citizenship, gender, sexuality, ability, culture, age, or any others will not be tolerated.
If you have any questions or concerns about accessibility, anti-oppression, or accommodations, please don't hesitate to get in touch!