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Small Business Network- Tuesday Breakfast

Tue 9 May 2017
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

THE WOODSTOCK & AREA SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISE CENTRE _In Partnership with the Quality Inn & Suites_ ------------------------- Invite you to join the Small Business Network! Start your TUESDAY OFF RIGHT, enjoying a cup of coffee, a quality hot buffet BREAKFAST AND CONVERSATION TO BUILD YOUR NETWORK WITH Woodstock & Oxford County business professionals. Bring a colleague and plenty of business cards to this popular Small Business Networking Breakfast. ATTIRE: Business Casual. FREQUENCY: the 2nd Tuesday of each Month. LOCATION: ODY's Restaurant, 580 Bruin Blvd, Woodstock. COST: $10, includes Hot Breakfast Buffet! If you prefer to pay $10 cash for your BREAKFAST (at the door), please RSVP to Christine Smith, 519.539.2382 ext. 2601 or ------------------------- ------------------------- EXPLORE. CONNECT. SUCCEED.
business courses food
10/05/2017 Last update

Ody's Restaurant at Quality Inn & Suites
580 Bruin Blvd, Woodstock, ON, Canada

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Small Business Network- Tuesday Breakfast

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  1. Woodstock
  2. The Small Business Centre
  3. Small Business Network- Tuesday Breakfast