
EspañolCafé: Los verbos más usados

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EspañolCafé, un subgrupo de SprachCafé que presenta el idioma español, para las personas que desean APRENDER o ENSEÑAR el idioma.


I will explain more about EspañolCafé this time:
- It's not a language class. It's just meeting and sharing the same interest for Spanish.
- I try to organise to meet twice per month to keep in touch with the language, and to be motivated to learn more.
- I know a handful of spanish-speakers, yes. It's up to their time they can join or not. Everybody can teach each other more or less, native to C-level, C to B, A1 to A0. As long as we want to learn and are willing to teach.
- I didn't like the attitude of just coming and scanning for some Spanish then left without contributing anything, no.


This time we'll do some technical stuffs between those Meetups just talking for fun. Vale, los verbos necesarios.

A girl I know who picked up languages super fast told me this method: basically you need around 20 highly frequent used verbs (to be, to go, to eat, to drink, to take...etc), and other highly frequent used words (still, already, yet, what, when...). Vocabulary is something you need to build up everyday.

So we'll have a bit of exercises and preparation this time (high level can skip it, just have a coffee and help us :D):
- Choose 10 most important verbs to you.
- We'll sit down and learn together how to use them, in present, past and future.
- Come up with any method that helps to remember (flash cards, quiz, game...)
- We'll build vocabulary for coffee and brunch at the same time :D

Nos vemos :)

264 Views - 05/11/2018 Last update
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Café im Kornhauskeller
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