
VueJS Roadtrip Berlin

VueJS Roadtrip Berlin
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Frontend Love and Vuejs Roadtrip

Frontend and Vuejs Road trip Berlin

With many Vuejs Core Team members and other Frontend leaders confirmed to speak with updated content and with some new exciting additions! Presenting new features and changes in the Vue.js ecosystem, in addition to interesting use-cases and case studies to show you how to apply that fantastic code ;)

More to be announced soon!

Join our Slack Channel for more detailed information or use the URL: 


From the team that brought you Vue.js Amsterdam- “The biggest and most dynamic Vue.js conference in history”, we now present the Vuejs Roadtrip! A chance for everyone to experience the joys of Vue.js!

Sold out with over 2100 attendees at the second edition of Vuejs Amsterdam. With attendees flying from over 60 countries, providing positive feedback and calling for more Vuejs knowledge, we are proud to announce Frontend and Vuejs RoadTrip

824 Views - 07/12/2019 Last update
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  2. VueJS Roadtrip Berlin
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