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Benjamin Prestele "Building Bridges"

Thu 11 July 2019
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

LogMeIn will kindly host us in July for the first time.Benjamin Prestele will give us some details to the inhouse asynchronous communication framework for crossing language and runtime boundaries. Abstract: Born of the necessity to interface between TS/JS and C++ code, LMI has developed a framework for asynchronous object remoting across language, runtime, and system boundaries called ACF. This talk will present an overview of the overall design and the tech stack involved to make this machinery work and easy to integrate for developers. If everybody behaves well, we might have a new nice location for our meetings.
12/07/2019 Last update

LogMeIn Germany GmbH
Ostra-Allee 9, Dresden, DE

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  1. Dresden
  2. Benjamin Prestele "Building Bridges"