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Salon du Luxe ® Paris 2017 - Luxury conference

Tue 11 July 2017
8:30 AM - 7:00 PM

SALON DU LUXE PARIS AIMS AT DEVELOPING THE FRENCH ECONOMIC FRAMEWORK. This is the biggest professional French-speaking CONFERENCE ON LUXURY (ALL CONFERENCES ARE FULLY TRANSLATED IN ENGLISH THANKS TO OUR TRANSLATORS). With the sponsorship of the Secretary of State to the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Finance, in charge of innovation and digital. ENRICHMENT THROUGH EXPLORATION Take part in the “Inspiration” experience. Discover new stakeholders and new ways of viewing markets and the world. Follow your guide LUXEEE (Exception, Excellence and Emotion). Dive into a world where Tradition meets Innovation. TO SHARE A VISION Influential names in the LUXURY INDUSTRY AS WELL AS VISIONARY DISRUPTORS COME TO TESTIFY, share their experiences, their research and their ideas in order to inspire the 1000 participants in the SALON DU LUXE PARIS AND STEP UP THE LEVEL OF THINKING. We are convinced that you, decision-makers in the LUXURY INDUSTRY, have great power. Let the new world that is being created today benefit from it. TO CONNECT SALON DU LUXE PARIS IS A UNIQUE PLATFORM WITH WORKSHOPS AND ARTISTIC HAPPENINGS THAT MAKE IT EASIER FOR PEOPLE TO MEET. This platform spreads beyond SALON DU LUXE PARIS AS IT PROVIDES ITS PARTICIPANTS WITH MOMENTS TO MEET AND THINK THROUGHOUT THE YEAR.   TO SPREAD FRENCH LUXURY 1000 decision-makers in the luxury industry are gathered in the very heart of Paris. 1000 lovers of Excellence, 1000 committed exhibitors… 1000 major players of the Transformation that the industry is currently undergoing ! Salon du luxe Paris spreads – French – luxury and acts as real tool of influence for all of its contributors.   JOIN US IN ORDER TO CREATE TOMORROW’S LUXURY
trade shows business courses conventions
12/07/2017 Last update

28 Rue Saint-Dominique, Paris, 75007, Île-de-France, France

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  2. Salon du Luxe ® Paris 2017 - Luxury conference