Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling CPCAB with Islamic Principles
This two-year part-time qualification gives learners the knowledge, skills and competencies to work as a therapeutic counsellor in an agency context.
It is designed to lead to an employed or voluntary role in a counselling agency in both health care and non-medical settings. Candidates will develop as a Counselling practitioner gaining skills and knowledge in the application of a variety of Counselling approaches combined to give an integrative model. Candidates will gain knowledge and skills from the Islamic perspective, and a proficiency in the epistemological framework of the Islamic psychological tradition. The leaners will learn to apply Islamic therapeutic skills and techniques.
Entry Requirements
You must have a Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Studies or equivalent. This should have been gained in the last three years.
This can be a personally demanding qualification, and applicants should ensure that they are not experiencing mental health difficulties when they apply. This does not preclude people with previous mental health difficulties from undertaking the course (in fact, people with past experience of mental health difficulties often make very good counsellors), but you should ensure that you are mentally well when you apply. External candidates are required to present their portfolio at the interview along with their certificate. You will need a reference from your previous college/course provider along with your attendance record.
You must be able to work with a diverse body of people.
You must possess personal qualities of imagination, intuition, openness and an ability to benefit from self-development.
You must be able to form a therapeutic relationship.
You must be self-aware, insightful, honest and able to make links.
You must have emotional stability and the absence of personality disturbance.
You must have the ability to challenge and be challenged.
You must have the ability to respond sensitively and empathetically to others.
You must be capable of working with clients in an agency setting.
Attendance Requirements:
You are expected to attend all classes and maintain the required number of placement, supervision and therapy hours.
Assessment Methods
Regular tutorial support will monitor your attainment and individual needs. You will be expected to build a criteria based portfolio of your assessed work. This will include case studies, theoretical essays, written evidence of your process and supervision case notes. Your portfolio of evidence will be quality assured at various points throughout the two years of the course. These dates will be in the scheme of work. Your Fitness to Practice will be assessed during the course and you will need to demonstrate the personal competencies required to be a counsellor.
Course Content
The diploma will cover a variety of counselling and therapeutic approaches. It will cover, in depth, the five broad counselling theoretical schools and their practical application. The course will outline the Islamic psychological framework including topics such as: models of authority/navigating tradition, understanding human nature and personality, Islamic theological, psychological, therapeutic and spiritual principles relate to ‘mental’ health, the metaphysics of Islamic psychology and counselling, the anatomy of the heart, soul, spirit, aql, lubb, sadr, fuad, jasad from the therapeutic perspectives, managing psychosis and affective and personality disorders from the Islamic perspective, psychosis and spirit possession, black magic, and evil eye. The course will cover psychological and spiritual disorders for the counselling practioner perspective and their Islamic, psychological, and spiritual coping strategies. An important feature throughout will be applying Islamic psychotherapeutic approaches to treatment using case studies and role play. The students will be introduced to the ART model and the methods of applying Islamic therapeutical knowledge in their counselling profession.
You will, after passing the work, gain a mainstream diploma from the CPCAB as well as the Licenced Islamic Professional Counsellor (LIPC) qualification. The LIPC will allow students to gain grounding in the Islamic psychology and counselling framework. As the graduates go into their professional work, the Muslim community will recognise those who have gone through this process and achieve the LIPC as qualified and trustworthy counsellors. This will provide the community confidence and assurance that these qualified counsellors will help them to demystify the issue of mental health within the society.
All graduates of the Alif Institute counselling programmes will automatically become members of the British Islamic Psychotherapy & Counselling Association (MBIPCA) free for the first year of their graduation date. MBIPCA will have access to discounted CPD courses, workshops and symposiums. They will have access to the Islamic Psychology magazine and qualify automatically to become contributors with international writers and scholars in the mental health fields.
The graduates and members of the BIPCA will have the right to use the post nominal MBIPCA and LIPC respectively.
Where it can lead to?
There are a number of routes you can take following successful completion of the diploma. Further study can include higher education courses or higher apprenticeships where you may expand your skills through study whilst earning. You may choose to go directly to employment, working at hospitals, schools, colleges, universities, organisations, cooperate companies, charities, mosques and community institutions. On the other hand, you may wish to develop your skills set and knowledge and set up your own private clinic where you can provide counselling services to clients with a fee. There are endless opportunities for the graduates. It will be up to the individuals’ determination, hard work and persistence to secure something that will be of benefit to them and the society.
Additional Information
It is a requirement of the course that you are in weekly personal therapy totally at least 40 hours by the end of the course. The student is responsible to arrange this him/herself.
BACP student membership is a requirement of the course and must be renewed for the second year. You will have to apply for a suitable voluntary placement during your first year and will need to achieve 30 hours of client work before progressing to the second year. You will be expected to undertake clinical supervision within this placement in addition to the regular supervision you receive at the institute. In total, you will complete a minimum 100 supervised counselling hours over two years. You will work with at least 5 different clients within an agency setting.
Tutors will help you to apply for a volunteer placement at a recommended setting.
Dates and times:
25/26 Jan (days 1-2)
8/9 Feb (days 3-4)
7/8 March (days 5-6)
21/22 March (days 7-8)
25/26 April (days 11-12)
16/17 May (days 13-14)
20/21 June (days 15-16)
11/12 July (days 17-18)
15/16 August (days 19-20)
12/13 September (days 21-22)
10/11 October (days 23-24)
7/8 November (days 25-26)
28/29 November (days 27-28)
19/20 December (days 29-30)
Two-year part time. One weekend per month.
Registration Fee: £226.97 (This is inclusive of the fee payment)
*The Registration Fee must paid to secure your place on the course.
Fees for year 1:
Early Bird: £2,300 – end Friday 3 December 2019
Original price: £2,500 including CPCAB registration fee
Please follow the link for more information:
Web: www.alif-institute.org