Love social media? Love relaxed networking events? Love a cuppa?
Birmingham Social Media Cafe #BrumsSMC heads to Opus at Cornwall St with Clive Reeves PR hosted by Dave Massey from #BrumHour and Phil Choi - The Blog Trainer.
Join us from 10am as we network with those interested in social media. You don't have to be a social media expert, just be interested in chatting about social media in a relaxed space.
The format will be as follows:
10am Arrival
10.30am Introductions
11am Relaxed networking
While this event is free to attend we ask that you purchase a tea or coffee from the venue during the event and share about Bar Opus using the #BrumSMC hashtag.
Forthcoming #BrumsSMC dates:
Birmingham Social Media Cafe with Clive Reeves PR
Friday 25th August 10am-Noon
Friday 29th September 10am-Noon
Friday 27th October 10am-Noon
#BrumNightCafe returns:
October 2017 (Date to be announced)
January 2018 (Date to be announced)
April 2018 (Date to be announced)
All venues to be confirmed.