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Bristol Mystery Shopper - Assessing Recruitment Websites (Afternoon Session)

Mon 24 April 2017
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM

WHO WE ARE Business in the Community is a charity that helps businesses act in a more responsible and sustainable way. Our Future Proof campaign, run by the Youth Employment team, helps employers to break down barriers to create attractive and accessible jobs for all young people. WHAT WE’RE DOING We’re running a series of fun mystery shopper events to give young people the opportunity to feed back to employers about their recruitment websites and job adverts – are they attractive and accessible to young people, and what would make their websites better? WHO WE’RE LOOKING FOR Young people aged 16 to 24 and are based in Bristol, who would be interested to take part – it’s as simple as that. WHAT YOU’LL DO You’re invited to a fun, interactive two hour session in Bristol, where you will get the chance to look through a few different live websites in pairs, feed back to us your open and honest opinions about what’s good and bad about them (we’ll keep you anonymous), then participate in a short group discussion at the end. Don’t worry, you won’t have to actually apply for any jobs!  WHAT YOU’LL GET OUT OF IT * You’ll have the opportunity to tell big national companies how to improve their websites and job adverts for young people – and they’ll listen to you * We’ll give you a special testimonial to put on your CV and a £10 high street voucher as a thank you * You’ll get to meet other like-minded young people and share your experiences of recruitment * You’ll get to find explore recruitment websites and gain great insights for when you’re applying * We’ll provide plenty of food throughout SIGN UP TODAY! ------------------------- BACKED BY
business courses music food
25/04/2017 Last update

Filwood Community Centre
Barnstaple Road, Bristol, England, United Kingdom

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  1. Bristol
  2. Business in the Community
  3. Bristol Mystery Shopper - Assessing Recruitment Websites (Afternoon Session)