
BioDynamic Breathwork With Conch O’Bar

BioDynamic Breathwork With Conch O’Bar
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Aho & Conscious Breath invite you to reconnect with your very own self-healing power through the use of the BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System® (BBTRS).

BBTRS is based upon the observation that tension is held and distributed throughout the body-mind structure. It is designed to break through layers of body armouring, inviting the release of mental, emotional and physical blockages right down to our central emotional and physical core. We can guide ourselves efficiently and effectively to this place of inner healing through using a conscious connection to our own breath.

During this workshop, Conch will gently and confidently guide you into taking yourself to a space of self-healing, deep into your emotional and physical core. He'll invite you to fully connect with your felt sense (how you are physically feeling) and to surrender to your body's natural healing intelligence. Conch will hold a safe and fully supported space for you whilst assisting you with guidance, touch and with music throughout this breathwork journey. Due to the deep, delicate and personal nature of this work, Conch treats these events, in the same way he holds other Shamanic healing ceremonies, with complete respect for the sacred inward process you will all be experiencing.

No experience is necessary and full instructions will be given.

Limited to only 8 places. Please book in advance.

£40 in Advance, £45 on the door. To book your place go to

Contraindications include pregnancy, high blood pressure, severe psychiatric symptoms or recent surgery. Please get in touch if you're concerned about your suitability for this workshop

Any questions regarding this event, please don't hesitate to contact me through messenger or email me at

I look forward to breathing with you.

The BioDynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release System® is recognised and accredited by:

The American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP)

The National Ministry of Education in Poland

The International Breathwork Foundation

The Global Professional Breathwork Alliance

National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork

BBTRS may reduce symptoms of:

Attention deficit disorder, apnea, anxiety, chronic fatigue, depression, difficulty focusing, obsessive compulsive disorder, physical /emotional pain, PTSD, stress, stress related medical illness, trauma, insomnia.

BBTRS supports:

Physical alignment, aliveness, body awareness, inner balance, connection to others, creativity, spiritual connection, emotional integration, health & wellbeing, meditation, mental clarity, self-awareness, relaxation.

Visit for more information.

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Views - 13/03/2020 Last update
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  2. BioDynamic Breathwork With Conch O’Bar
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