
Divine I AM Activations: Sacral Chakra (Intensive)

Divine I AM Activations: Sacral Chakra (Intensive)
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Powerful Activations, Shadow Integration & Expansion

An Intensive focusing on a deep energetic healing of the Sacral (Svadhisthana) Chakra through a series of Powerful Activations, Shadow Integration & Expansion. The Sacral Chakra governs our sense of Emotions, Sexual Life Energy, Abundance, Ability to Relate, Relationship to Self, Relationship to Others and Creativity. When imbalanced it harbours our Victim Consciousness, Shame, Resentment, Co-Dependence, Lack of Faith, Fear of Opening to Love and Relationships.

We will work with vibrational frequencies of our Idealised Sacral Chakra and the Planetary Sacral (Lake Titicaca, Peru). This session is open to all, regardless of previous spiritual knowledge/training.

Our lower three chakras are often ignored yet critical to living in spiritual harmony with our human existence. These Activations channel pure light frequencies of Wisdom, Love, Healing which act as powerful catalysts for transformation - rebirthing your Sacral as a brilliant radiant orange sun.

Session Outline

❀ Channelled Teaching: Self-Love

The Sacral Chakra and it's deeper role in our Spiritual Development & Multidimensional Journey. Understanding polarities of this chakra.

❀ Sacral Rebirth

Chanting (VAM), Breathing Release, Movement & Shadow Integration. Working with Crystals, the Higher Self and Shadow Side to subconsciously reprogram polarised Sacral beliefs with Balanced ones. (see further down)

❀ Sacral Chakra Transmission [ Clearing & Activation ]

Focused Release/Cleanse Transmission for Sacral Imbalanced patterns and associated Physical Counterparts holding emotions (see further down)

Activating the transpersonal aspects of this chakra as we connect with Gaia's own Sacral. Opening to Divine Love, Divine Faith, Divine Flow, Divine Self Acceptance. Multi-Level Expansion.

The Transmissions consist of Channelled Energy via the Planetary Grid, Crystal Bowls and Individual Attunements. During the transmission you will be lying down on yoga mats, provided.

Sacral Imbalances: "I am not Enough", Anxiety (Lack of Faith/Trust in Self & Universe), Victim Consciousness, Shame, Jealous, Envy, Resentment, Co-Dependence, Manipulation, Mistrust, Fear of Opening to Love, Eating disorders, Addictions, Lack of Confidence, Co-Dependency, Low Libido, Overly Emotional, Emotionally repressed, Fear of change, Sexual blocks, Depression, Lack of Creative Energy.

Sacral Physical Counterparts (where relevant emotions are stored): Womb, Sexual Organs, Kidneys, Urinary tract, Lower Back, Spleen, Gallbladder, Intestines.

Sacral Balanced: Abundance, Self-Care, Creativity, Movement, Procreation, Pleasure, Healthy Conscious Relationships , In Flow with Life, Trust, Faith, Surrender.

Views - 23/02/2020 Last update
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