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The Christie FRCR Part 2B Preparation Course

From Sat 21 September 2019 to Sun 22 September 2019
8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

THE CHRISTIE FRCR PART 2B PREPARATION COURSE HAS BEEN DELIVERED SINCE 2013 AND HAS PROVIDED MANY SUCCESSFUL DELEGATES WITH THE GUIDANCE AND SUPPORT TO HELP PASS THEIR 2B EXAMTHE COURSE IS DELIVERED UNDER EXAM CONDITIONS AND THE FACULTY CONTAINS A DIVERSE MIX OF EXPERIENCED CONSULTANTS AND RECENT FRCR RECIPIENTS INTRODUCTION Interactive, practical course specifically focused on the clinical components of the FRCR Part 2B exam. This course is supervised by consultants with experience of FRCR teaching and consultants/senior registrars who have recently gained their FRCR COURSE SCHEDULE Saturday - Viva cases & clinical stations in pairs (with immediate informal feedback) Sunday - Mock exam (with formal feedback). Breakout sessions (e.g. radiotherapy fields & plan evaluation) LEARNING OUTCOMES * Candidates will become familiar with the exam format and develop key skills when approaching clinical and viva cases * Recognising common themes, question patterns and developing exam technique * Candidates will feel confident of knowing what to expect in the real exam DELIVERY The course aims to ensure * Maximum interaction between tutors and candidates * Opportunities for candidates to be examined at each 'station' TARGET AUDIENCE Post FRCR Part 2A candidates who are sitting Part 2B in Autumn 2019. A pass at the Part 2A component is essential for course registration. This exam will be focused on the Part 2B elements only. REGISTRATION You will be able to reserve a space from 12pm on Thursday 1st August. Course applicants sitting the part 2A exam in Autumn are encouraged to reserve a place. Registration will only be confirmed upon successful completion of the Part 2A exam and payment of course fees. Priority will be given to candidates who have not attended a previous FRCR 2B preparation course at The Christie. FEES: £550 (To cover course running costs and course dinner on Saturday evening) Booking terms and conditions can be found here [] CONTACT: Email, call 0161 446 3773 or visit @TheChristieSoO
culture courses
23/09/2019 Last update

The Christie, Manchester, Gt Man, GB

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  1. Stockport
  2. The Christie School of Oncology
  3. The Christie FRCR Part 2B Preparation Course