Should we pray? Granted, prayer has been a key feature of Jewish life
for four millennia. But what is its goal, how is it done, and why are
ancient and formal rituals relevant to us nowadays? The Rosh CHODESH
SOCIETY’s upcoming course, A Work of HEART, flings the cover off the
Jewish prayer book, the prayer services, and the synagogue—exposing
the beating and beautiful HEART OF PRAYER THAT BREATHES WITHIN. It
reveals prayer as an art and an opportunity, a means of human-to-G-d
bonding, a journey of self-discovery, a perspective changer, and an
exercise in self-empowerment. Each lesson will be followed by a craft
or activity session Buy the course textbook here
[]. If purhasing a textbook is
problematic for you, please speak to Sarah Dubov.
20/03/2025 Last update