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Create Your Life - Vision Board Workshop

Sat 18 January 2020
12:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Hello!Most of us have fleeting ideas of what we want to be, do or have in our lives.  But they remain just that:  fleeting.  After all, who has the time to intentionally get clear about what we want to create? Well, everyone from Oprah Winfrey to Ellen Degeneres to Tony Robbins swears that they intentionally created outcomes by using a simple tool:  Vision Boards. A VISION BOARD IS A WAY TO SELL YOUR OWN IDEAS TO yourself, to anchor to your VISION AND TO ALLOW THE MAGIC OF MANIFESTATION TO WORK IN YOUR life. Finally. As someone who has made my own VISION BOARDS (and manifested some amazing results!), I’ve learned it’s more than just sticking an image onto a BOARD. It’s about first getting clear on your authentic life, letting go of what’s in the way – and then clearly connecting with your dreams while designing a vision that calls to you. That is why I’m hosting another (my 18th workshop in the series) CREATE YOUR LIFE VISION-BOARD WORKSHOP... to give you the space you need to intentionally define your dreams and create a Vision Board that will effortlessly attract your ideal outcomes to you! WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THE AFTERNOON: - Clarity on what you really want (No more settling for someone else’s dreams) - Space and time to map out your ideal outcomes in each area of your life - Connection with like-minded peers (No negativity allowed) - A method to clear out the natural “blocks” that arise (Time to let go!) - All the tools and time to create your own powerful Vision Board (You don’t have to bring a thing. I’ve got all the materials you need right in the room!) - Your very own Vision Board to take home and effortlessly attract your ideal outcomes in the months ahead. - An afternoon of breathing room and dream-time. (The very thing you keep telling yourself you’ll give yourself but never do!) I can't wait to meet you. Lara x _For further questions, please either email Lara at or ring  07817247727 and visit the website: / Instagram: @the_motivation_clinic _TESTIMONIALS_ _"A truly enlightening experience. Lara has a delightful way of allowing you to put down your real dreams and goals. The Vision Board is like a mantra, a way of cutting out the noise and focusing on your long held but often unspoken hopes. Lara is living proof that a vision board is effective and her enthusiasm is infectious. Thank you for showing me a new way to focus and thrive."_ "Attending Vision Boards Surrey’s workshop last week gave me the opportunity to set aside some time to focus on me, something that I don’t do very often. I learnt so much about myself, my ambitions and my personal journey. I have come away feeling excited about the future and what it may hold for me. I would highly recommend that everyone attends one of these workshops sooner or later, you will leave full of ideas and with a clear vision of how to make your dreams a reality.” "_I am pleased to tell you, that some of the goals on my board have already manifested! The workshop was great, as it gave me the space and the time to think about my life, my feelings and my goals. I was surprised how much clearer I got the more time I spent thinking about what I wanted out of life. Filling in the forms in the run-up to the workshop helped a lot, as did the exercise in the workshop. The process of creating the vision board itself almost felt like a meditation, which was great. I would have never thought a vision board being such a powerful thing!"_
workshop yoga
19/01/2020 Last update

Guildford Institute
Ward Lane, Guildford, England, GB

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  1. Create Your Life - Vision Board Workshop