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SURREY BUSINESS SCHOOL: Centre for Sustainable Enterprise Management Research Day Series - Digital Technologies and Change for Sustainable Enterprise Management

Thu 27 April 2017
9:30 AM - 3:15 PM

The Centre for Sustainable Enterprise Management is pleased to host a research day over Easter at Surrey Business School for academics, students and practitioners in the field of sustainability.     OUR SPEAKERS   DR JENNIFER HOWARD-GRENVILLE [], READER IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES, CAMBRIDGE JUDGE BUSINESS SCHOOL     Jennifer Howard-Grenville is the Diageo Reader in Management Studies at University of Cambridge. She studies processes of organisational and institutional change and has explored the role of routines, issue selling, and culture in enabling and inhibiting change. She is particularly interested in how people change their organisations in response to environmental and social demands. Dr Howard-Grenville's work has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Organization & Environment, Law & Social Inquiry, California Management Review and several other journals. She is the author of Corporate Culture and Environmental Practice (Edward Elgar, 2007), which documents her in-depth study of a high-tech company, and coauthor or editor of two other books on industrial ecology. Dr Howard-Grenville is Associate Editor of the Academy of Management Journal (2013-2016), and an Editorial Review Board Member of the Academy of Management Journal (since 2010), Organization Science (2009-2013), and Organization & Environment (since 2011).   _SESSION TITLE: LOOKING AT THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY THROUGH AN “OLD” LENS: LESSONS FROM INDUSTRIAL SYMBIOSIS_ In this talk, Dr. Howard-Grenville will consider the new attention being paid to materials efficiency and systems solutions under the banner of the circular economy. She will share insights from the research on industrial symbiosis, which is one approach that puts the circular economy into practice. When and how do ideas for material reuse and exchange come to fruition? What are the challenges to implementing such ideas? Dr. Howard-Grenville will share lessons learned from her studies, with co-authors, of the UK’s National Industrial Symbiosis Programme, the first national scale effort of its kind. She will also reflect on work in other settings and at other scales that puts the circular economy into practice. _ _ DR ITZIAR CASTELLÓ [], ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF MANAGEMENT AT THE BUSINESS DEPARTMENT AT CARLOS III UNIVERSITY OF MADRID _SESSION TITLE: RADICAL FRAME TRANSFORMATIONS AND THE EMERGENCE OF A NEW FIELD: THE CASE OF ALTERNATIVES TO PLASTIC _ _ _   Itziar Castelló holds a PhD in Management from ESADE, Universitat Ramon Llull, an Executive MBA from ESADE, a Master in Research from ESADE and a MSc. in Economics from the College of Europe, Belgium. Dr Castelló has been Assistant Professor at Copenhagen Business School (Denmark), Visiting Scholar Stanford, Cass Business School and at the Centre for Responsible Business at Haas School of Business (UC Berkeley). She has done a Post Doc at Bocconi. Before entering the academic career, she worked in the industry for eight years as senior Advisor at AccountAbility, Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers and Project Leader and Master Black Belt at General Electric. Her research interests lie in the areas of corporate social responsibility, entrepreneurship in the digital economy where she has published articles in Journal of Management Studies, Research Policy, Business & Society, Journal of Business Ethics and Corporate Governance. She is member of the editorial board of Business & Society.    PROFESSOR NIGEL MELVILLE [], ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, ROSS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ASSOCIATE EDITOR OF MIS QUARTERLY.  _SESSION TITLE: SUSTAINABLE ENTERPRISE IN THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL AGE: SYSTEMS FOR LOW-CARBON OPERATIONS_   Nigel P. Melville is an Associate Professor of Information Systems at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan. Professor Melville has over 20 years of experience researching, teaching, and consulting in the area of value generation with information systems. His research has been cited more than 3500 times and his blog examining how digital technologies can enable new forms of environmental sustainability has nearly 50000 views. Professor Melville also partners with organizations as they seek to apply digital technologies such as big data to enable new business models and enhance growth, competitiveness, and resilience. He teaches MBA courses on digital transformation and service innovation management. His expertise has been sought by publications such as the New York Times and international conferences such as Net Impact. Professor Melville earned a BS in electrical engineering from UCLA, an MS in electrical and computer engineering from UC Santa Barbara, and a PhD in management from UC Irvine. PROVISIONAL SCHEDULE OF THE DAY   09.30-09.45 Registration 09.45-10.00 Welcome from Professor Alberto Aragon-Correa, Research Director for the Centre for Sustainable Enterprise Management 10.00-11.30 Guest Speaker: DR JENNIFER HOWARD-GRENVILLE, Cambridge Judge Business School _Looking at the Circular Economy through an “Old” Lens: Lessons from Industrial Symbiosis_ 11.30-12.00 Coffee Break 12.00-13.00 Guest Speaker: DrITZIAR CASTELLO, UC3M (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) 13.00-13.45 Lunch (included) 13.45-15.00 Guest Speaker: PROFESSOR NIGEL MELVILLE [], Ross School of Business, University of Michigan _Sustainable Enterprise in the Fourth Industrial Age: Systems for Low Carbon Operations_ 15.00-15.15 Closing statements for the Research Day by Dr Rosanna Cole, Deputy Director for the Centre for Sustainable Enterprise Management 15.15-16.15 Optional Early Career Workshop with Dr Itziar Castello, UC3M (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) _(Additional sign-up required)_   VISITING THE UNIVERSITY Guildford is close to central London and also London Heathrow and Gatwick airports. Find out how to get to the University Information for visitors to the University [] Stag Hill campus map []    
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28/04/2017 Last update

Surrey Business School | University of Surrey
Stag Hill Campus, Guildford, England, United Kingdom

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  1. Centre for Sustainable Enterprise Management, Surrey Business School
  2. SURREY BUSINESS SCHOOL: Centre for Sustainable Enterprise Management Research Day Series - Digital Technologies and Change for Sustainable Enterprise Management