What: Practice yoga surrounded by puppies! When: Sunday 23rd March
Where: (Tithe Barn) The Olde Bell, High Street, Hurley SL6 5LX SESSION
TIMES: 11am-12pm & 12.30pm-1.30pm Puppies: Weimaraner cross Vizsla
Please read all information below before purchasing a ticket
Additional information: SESSIONS WILL LAST 1 HOUR, with approx 35-45
minutes of yoga with the pups running around and 15-25 minutes of pure
puppy time Refunds are only available up to 3 days before the SESSION,
on the day cancellations or no shows will not be refunded. Minimum age
of participants 11+ (participants aged 11-16 need to accompanied by a
PARTICIPATING adult) for every two 'children' there needs to be one
participating adult Any ticket cancellation will be subject to a £2
cancellaton fee per ticket, unless SESSION IS CANCELLED BY US Please
do not wear jewellery Please visit website for further information or
any questions email barkingyoga@outlook.com or DM
@barkingyogabarkingyoga.wixsite.com/barkingyoga Wavier:Buy
purchasing tickets you are agreeing the below on behalf of yourself
and anyone you purchase tickets for: That photos and videos taken
during the session can be use for Barking Yoga's social media, website
and other promotional materials You will act is a respectful and safe
way around other participants and the puppies If you are considered to
be acting inappropriately you will leave the session if asked
Behaviour during the class: A briefing will be given at the start of
the class on how you should interact with the puppies and what to
expect Please allow puppies to interact with you freely and only pick
up the puppy if it indicates it want to be picked up and allow the
puppy to move on and run around when it wants to Anyone who is
considered to be overly handling the puppies will be asked to stop and
if it continues they may be asked to leave and not allowed to attend a
furture session Puppies will sleep where they land and we ask that you
do not pick them up while they are sleeping If a puppy appear to have
had enough of the session they will be taken away to their crate away
from participants where they can have some time out Puppies are fed
between sessions and have constant access to water Participating in
the session does not guarantee any one-on-one interactions with the
puppies If you have any questions or concerns please get in touch You
will be required to disinfect your hands before the session and remove
02/03/2025 Last update
High St, Hurley, Maidenhead SL6 5LX, UK, Marlow, ENG, GB