Start to bring energy & alignment around the things you want in your life, and begin to create & manifest your heart's desires using visual representations.
Vision Board Workshops are a GREAT way to set goals with like mined people. Getting started is usually the hardest thing for most people when thinking about creating their Vision Boards. This Vision Board Workshop is all about intentionally manifesting your dreams! Like willing things in to existence.
There are MANY ways to create vision boards, from cutting and sticking images from magazines to a board, to using apps to create online vision boards. In this workshop we talk through the different ways you can create boards and show you how to use FREE software to create a vision board that MANIFESTS!!!
A vision board is any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life. Vision boards create remarkable synergy & alignment around what you want. They are fantastic tools to assist you with creating and manifesting your heart’s desire.
The purpose of your vision board is to bring everything on it to life.
Vision Boards are a fun way to create the life you want for yourself. Some people find it hard to write down goals, long term or short term. Creating a visual board is an alternative version to writing a list of goals.
Strategically, you can use the Vision Boarding process as a tool to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus with an outline of your future life, which then helps you map out each specific life goal.
This helps to start aligning your action with your newly discovered goals and wishes. Creating them digitally allows you to manipulate images exactly how you’d like to create them. Can’t find that perfect white Aldi image in a magazine, we’ll get the exact one for you online. Want to see how a cheque with your name looks with your desired amount? We’ll create that.
We work on honing in on your vision, manifesting your destiny, and discovering and living your purpose. Using visioning techniques helps you attract people, places and situations – you’ll be amazed at the alignment and manifesting that starts taking place after you create your board.
Oprah, Jim Carey, Ellen DeGeneres, Soldier Boy, Katy Perry, John Assaraf + Lisa Nichols (both from the Secret), Me, you + many many more
Tendai is a Transformational Coach and DJ Teacher who has been practising the Law of Attraction and vision boards for over 20 years since discovering Susan Jeffers book “Feel the Fear and do it anyway”. A true believer in positive thinking and manifesting in abundance, Tendai has created over a dozen different boards in as many ways and recently manifested:
The image on top is one I put on my last 2 vision boards and the image at the bottom is me at Queen Mary University at an event for Enterprise Nation in January 2018. Imagine my delight when I saw myself on the big screen - manifested by my PR Guru Amanda Ruiz. I only made the association a week after the event but yes, happily manifested myself on to this 500" screen after plastering myself on to my vision board on several small screens.
Begin to think of some of the things that you say you have always wanted to do, create, build, design and then let's make them your reality. The more detailed and specific the better!
I am excited to share my manifesting techniques with you and how to create digital boards and physical journals.
I'll share how I am able to visualise things, create images to put on to my vision board and then manifest.
In this 2.5 hour intimate workshop (2 people max) we will learn how to:
The main focus in this workshop is to focus on how to create your intentions and soul goals and then putting that out to the Universe to manifest. It's important to get this part CORRECT as once you put your request out to the Universe on what you want to manifest, it is out there!!! We will then insert these on to our vision boards
Part 2 focuses on looking at what you've requested in part 1, looking at the boards you've created, how to use apps productively to manifest and look at what has manifested from previous boards (from part 1 ie this workshop)
*If you'd prefer to focus on a paper version of this board, please advise beforehand and we can use magazines to create those.
Teas & Coffees, hot & cold water provided free.
We have FREE wi-fi so just bring your devices. Laptops are highly recommended as they are the best tools to use for the software you will be introduced too.
Paper work will be shared on the day to assist you to create your manifesting digital boards (this will also be sent to you beforehand via email, for those of you without a printer you are welcome to the handouts)
Tkts are £25 cheaper for Vauxhall & Whitechapel locations.
Ticket sales end 3 days before event begins at The Shard, and 24 hours before event begins for all other locations.
The Shard:
See all dates/locations
What are my transportation/parking options for getting to and from the event?
London Bridge Tube, Rail and Bus stations are directly outside. Parking isn't recommended as the area is very busy with traffic and taxis. The above mentioned transportation methods are highly recommended.
Is my registration fee or ticket transferrable and is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn't match the person who attends?
If you're unable to make the workshop, you can send someone to take your place. Just email as soon as you can.
I will hold you accountable to conceive your SOUL goals and desires and manifest them by taking subtle and sometimes effortless action. Other times I'll encourage you to step out of your comfort zone to make magic happen for 2018 & beyond.
From Vision2Reality - After seeing Emma Jones with the letters MBE after her name, I came across MBE in a magazine and added it to my CAREER/BUSINESS vision board (image on the right) and the next week I had an invite to speak to the Prime Ministers Business Advisor about my business! First steps to my goal.......
Looking forward to sharing ways to help YOU manifest in abundance also.
Below: Another (partial) manifestation. The image on the left was what I put on my vision board over 3 years ago and I was agged in a post 3 years later advisin I was up for a nomination by a company with a similar image to the one I randomly sourced for my vision board!
A view of the Shard from nearby offices....
And below is inside the office spaces I've manifested where we'll be manifesting together inside The Shard....
Remember, workshops are limited to 2 people max so we can focus on YOUR goals & dreams.
Alist of workshops are available on the main page of this eventbrite profile