
May Marvels [Covent Garden]

May Marvels [Covent Garden]
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The Covent Garden meetup will be the original drinks first meetup format.

So back to the central west to Covent Garden to the roomy Masons Bar Café (used to named Henry's) again. Look for a message on the day to locate where inside we have settled, however, most likely downstairs, so walk straight in, pass the bar to the stairs and head downstairs; ignoring the "Please wait to be seated" sign as that sign is for the restaurant upstairs.

We commence with the usual monthly format of drinks and an option of eating if people so desire. Vietnamese options are Com Viet nearby or the establishments of Soho which is a further walk. Being central London, it all depends on the availability of restaurants as these are not easily booked for large groups.

Here is the Google Map Link.

Closest major underground stations are Charing Cross and Leicester Square. Although Covent Garden underground station is an option, I don't recommend it due to the crowds and that fact that the only entrance/exit is an elevator leading to greater queues.


49 Views - 24/05/2017 Last update
culture food
Masons Cafe Bar (formerly Henry's Cafe Bar)
5-6 Henrietta Street Covent Garden WC2E 8PS, London, GB
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5-6 Henrietta Street Covent Garden WC2E 8PS, London, GB
Masons Cafe Bar (formerly Henry's Cafe Bar)
5-6 Henrietta Street Covent Garden WC2E 8PS, London, GB
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