Come join me and let me teach you how to create some tasty vegan dishes
We all have that moment when we want to eat better but have no clue where to start, i have been there so i know how it well, more than likely you end up eating the same boring dishes but if you just choose to look at food as textures and flavours and let your creativity kick in you will realise a lot of things can be veganised,
Especially nowadays with so many different vegan alternatives hitting the shelves its easier than when i dont be put off by lack of knowing what to eat or where to locate certain ingredients let me start you off with a days worth of recipes for you to be inspired by and hopefully create some of your own.
Jackfruit is so versatile i have found with experimenting that it can mimic certain textures like fish & chicken sounds crazy i know but when you tast the dishes youll be amazed, roll up your sleeves and lets get cooking vegan alex style
Smoothie : Blueberry hemp blast
Lunch: Jackfruit chicken skewers
Dinner: Ackee and saltvish with rice and plantain fritter
Parking at rear of the showroom
Only 3 spaces per class
All recipes are to be used soley for personal use ONLY, once you have made payment this confirms your acceptance of your agreement to this.
Tickets are non refundable