
Iron Age Hill Forts of Salisbury Plain: Battlesbury and Scratchbury (SOLD OUT)

Iron Age Hill Forts of Salisbury Plain: Battlesbury and Scratchbury (SOLD OUT)
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Event ended

This event is now FULLY BOOKED. If you would like to join the waiting list, please let Steve know using the comment board below.

As an organised outdoor physical and educational activity this event is exempt from the government s rule of six . Before our walk you will receive a copy of our ‘Covid Secure Policy’, which details the measures we are taking to keep our walkers safe.

In the five hundred years before the Romans arrived here the Celtic peoples of Britain took to building enormous fortified encampments on hilltops across the length and breadth of the land.

Cattle raiding was a popular past time and these defensive structures were created to protect the agricultural wealth that a community had accumulated. Inevitably, they became status symbols.

Outside Warminster in Wiltshire there are three of the largest Iron Age hill forts in the country. Our five mile walk takes in two of them. We will see the third across the landscape.

We will also consider Salisbury Plain as a wildlife refuge and archaeological treasure house. We will hear the story of Imber: the Ghost Village. Later in the year we will hopefully visit.

Life is just beginning to return to the land and if the weather is with us then there is no better place to be than the chalklands of Wiltshire: wildflowers are just emerging and sunshine will bring out overwintering butterflies.

Our walk includes one steep hill, which we will take gently with suitable rest stops.

A set of written notes will be emailed out to walkers after this event. This will allow you to hold on to what you have picked up from our exploration of the Iron Age landscape of Wiltshire.

A Walk in the Past is a friendly group where regulars and newcomers are always welcome. Our aim is to combine a good walk with pleasant company in historic landscapes.

Views - 06/04/2021 Last update
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  2. Iron Age Hill Forts of Salisbury Plain: Battlesbury and Scratchbury (SOLD OUT)
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