Re-union of pupils and staff of NUNTHORPE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, to celebrate
what would have been it's CENTENARY (in 2020). JOIN US TO CELEBRATE
THE CENTENARY OF OUR SCHOOL. On Friday 30th and Saturday 31st July we
are holding three events, a dinner in York, an open school for Old
Nunthorpians, former staff and visitors, followed by a reception, just
for Old Boys and staff. This will follow the same pattern as the event
in 2015. Name badges will be provided. There will be a pay bar and an
optional cold fork buffet.
Dinner at the Merchant Adventurers Hall, Fossgate, York, reception
19.00 for 19.30, dinner 19.30-21.30, the evening ends at 23.00. The
hall seats 190. As we have already had considerable interest shown,
initially tickets will be limited to Old Boys and staff. The cost of
the served 3-course dinner, including reception drinks and table wine,
will be £60. Venue hire and catering, for both the dinner and buffet,
inevitably raises costs.
From 14:00, all school grounds and buildings will be open to all
From 18.30, there will be a function for Old Nunthorpians and staff
only. This will end at 23.00, during which there will be a pay bar and
an optional cold buffet in the dining room. The buffet will be
available over a 2 hour period at a cost of £30.
For those who stay on into the evening and socilaise over a drink but
don't want to eat, please order a (free) ticket that will allow you to
purchase drinks from the pay bar.
To limit the administrator effort, tickets for all of these events are
only available from Eventbrite. To order and pay for your tickets
click here
We understand there may be a small number of attendees that can’t
access the Internet. In these circumstances, orders and payments by
cheque can be made to ‘R S Friend’ and sent to 1, Manston
Approach, Crossgates, Leeds. LS15 8BQ. We recognise payment by cheque
will take longer to reach Roy Friend and then be processed, so
contingency plans are in place to allow for this. If you are using
this method of payment, please contact Roy to let him know of your
intent. (07783322265)
We ask that for the dinner, you purchase only the tickets that you
need for Old Boys and staff. Should tickets be available for guests,
then we will let you know in plenty of time.
Is available online via Our event website
The organisers can be also be reached by email here
01/08/2021 Last update