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Scottish International Film Education Conference 2020

From Thu 18 June 2020 to Fri 19 June 2020
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

The 2020 SCOTTISH INTERNATIONAL FILM EDUCATION CONFERENCE IS WILL TAKE PLACE ONLINE OVER TWO DAYS - Thursday 18 and Friday 19 June. The conference will explore diverse perspectives on film education from around the world, from a variety of different perspectives within the process - class-room teachers, filmmakers, policy-makers and academics. The event is free to attend and is geared both towards those with a specific interest in film education, and those interested in film culture and practice more generally. Details of the full programme schedule are still being confirmed and will be updated shortly.
culture cinema
20/06/2020 Last update

university of edinburgh old college, edinburgh, gb

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  1. Edinburgh
  2. Scottish International Film Education Conference 2020