
Holy Mass

Holy Mass
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Event ended

Our church will be open as per published weekly schedule

As you enter and leave the church please use ANTIBACTERIAL GEL to sanitise your hands.

Please wear FACE COVERING while inside the church.

Please take only DESIGNATED SPACE in the church keeping required distance and following the signs for movements.

Consider supporting our church by joining our new stewards ministries.

COLLECTION BOXES will be available during every Sunday/ weekday service to accept weekly donations. Thank you!

No signing and liturgy may be shorten.

At our church we can accommodate up to two people in one pew or one household. If one household is taking the pew please book two spaces. Map of siting arrangement s is available in the internet booking system.

Sunday Mass obligation is still suspended and its not possibly to gather together all parishioners on Vigil/Sunday Mass as previously due to limited space and keeping the required distance.

Booking for weekday and weekend Masses will be accepted on first come first served basis.

The advice is that if Sunday Mass is already booked try to attend one of the weekday Masses.

Welcome back :)

God bless

Fr Marcin & PPC

Views - 22/09/2020 Last update
Our Lady & St Bridget's Catholic Church
4 West End, West Calder, West Lothian, GB
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4 West End, West Calder, West Lothian, GB
Our Lady & St Bridget's Catholic Church
4 West End, West Calder, West Lothian, GB
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  2. Holy Mass
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