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CRISP: Pasbort Iechyd a Diogelwch / CRISP: Health and Safety Passport

Thu 27 February 2020
9:30 AM - 5:30 PM

                                                           CRISP - Pasbort Diogelwch / Safety Passport IAITH Y CWRS = SAESNEG                                              _COURSE LANGUAGE = ENGLISH_ _"THE BEST HEALTH AND SAFETY TUTOR...REALLY POSITIVE AND I FELT COMFORTABLE THAT HE KNEW HIS STUFF DUE TO HIS EXPERIENCE IN OUR TRADE."_ ------------------------- MAE'R PASBORT DIOGELWCH DIWYDIANNAU CREADIGOL YN GWRS DIWRNOD, IECHYD A DIOGELWCH A'I GYNLLUNIWYD YN BENODOL AR GYFER GWEITHWYR SY'N GWEITHIO MEWN FFILM, TELEDU, THEATR A DIGWYDDIADAU BYW. MAE'N HYBU DIWYLLIANT O DDIOGELWCH YN SEILIEDIG AR GYFRIFOLDEB PERSONOL AM DDIOGELWCH. _THE CREATIVE INDUSTRIES SAFETY PASSPORT IS A ONE DAY HEALTH & SAFETY COURSE DESIGNED SPECIFICALLY FOR WORKERS, EMPLOYED OR FREELANCE, WORKING IN FILM, TV, THEATRE AND LIVE EVENTS. _ _IT PROMOTES A SAFETY CULTURE BASED ON PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR SAFETY._   ------------------------- BYDD Y CWRS YN CYNNWYS: *  CYFLWYNO DIOGELWCH Y DIWYDIANT CREADIGOL (DEDDFWRIAETH, DYLETSWYDDAU, YSWIRIANT...) * DIFFINIO PERYGLON A RISG (ASESIADAU RISG...) * PERYGLON A MESURAU RHEOLI YMARFEROL (TRYDAN, GWEITHIO AR UCHDER, CODI A CHARIO, LLITHRO A BAGLU...) * MESURAU CYFFREDIN YN Y GWEITHLE (CYFARPAR, ARWYDDION A SIGNALAU, DAMWEINIAU, ADRODDIADAU...) * CYFRIFOLDEB PERSONOL AM DDIOGELWCH_ _ _THE FOLLOWING TOPICS ARE COVERED IN THIS COURSE:_ * _CREATIVE INDUSTRIES SAFETY (LEGISLATION, DUTIES, INSURANCE...)_ * _DEFINING HAZARD AND RISK (RISK ASSESSMENTS...)_ * _HAZARDS AND PRACTICAL CONTROL MEASURES (ELECTRICITY, WORKING AT HEIGHT, MANUAL HANDLING, SLIPS AND TRIPS...)_ * _COMMON WORKPLACE MEASURES (EQUIPMENT, SIGNS AND SIGNALS, ACCIDENTS, REPORTING...)_ * _PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR SAFETY_   ------------------------- Mae'r cwrs hwn wedi ei achredu gan y Sefydliad Diogelwch ac Iechyd Galwedigaethol (IOSH) ac yn dilyn canllawiau HSE (Gweithred Iechyd a Diogelwch), Safonau Galwedigaethol Creative Skillset (X2, X3 ac X3.5) a'r Côd Ymddygiad BECTU/TMA ar gyfer "Get-Ins" a "Get-Outs". Bydd rhaid i chi wneud yr asesiad ar ddiwedd y cwrs i allu cynnig am y pasbort. Mae'n gymhwyster lefel 2 sy'n ddilys am dair blynedd ac yn dod gyda llyfr gwaith a cherdyn adnabod maint cerdyn credyd.   _The course is accredited by the Institution of Occupational Safety & Health (IOSH) and adheres to the HSE (Health & Safety Executive) syllabus guidelines, Creative Skillset's National Occupational Standards (X2, X3 and X3.5) and the BECTU/TMA (Theatrical Management Association) Code of Conduct for Get-In / Get-Outs._ _To be eligible for the passport all participants will be required to take the assessment at the end of the course._ _It is a level 2 qualification that is valid for 3 years and comes with a workbook and a robust credit card size ID card._ ------------------------- ------------------------- HYSBYSIAD PREIFATRWYDD Mae’r hysbysiad hwn yn datgan sut yr ydym yn casglu, defnyddio a chadw eich gwybodaeth bersonol pan yr ydych yn archeb lle ar ein cwrs PASBORT DIOGELWCH DIWYDIANNAU CREADIGOL. Mae'r cwrs hwn wedi ei gymeradwyo gan y Sefydliad Diogelwch ac Iechyd Galwedigaethol (IOSH) a’r cynllun Pasbort Diogelwch Cynhyrchu. Mae’r Pasbort Diogelwch Diwydiannau Creadigol yn rhan o’r cynllun a ddarparir gan y ‘Grŵp Diogelwch Cynhyrchu’; sef cynrychiolwyr o brif ddarlledwyr y Deyrnas Gyfunol - gan gynnwys cwmnïau annibynnol – yn ogystal â BECTU a Creative Skillset (Cyngor Sgiliau’r Sector ar gyfer y Cyfryngau Creadigol). Mae'r cynllun hwn yn cefnogi cyd-gydnabyddiaeth o hyfforddiant diogelwch cytunedig rhwng y cyfranogwyr er mwyn osgoi ailhyfforddi diangen a sicrhau cysondeb. _PRIVACY NOTICE_ _This notice tells you about how we collect, use and store your personal information when you book on to the BECTU Creative Industries Safety Passport course (CRISP). This is an approved course by both IOSH and the Production Safety Passport scheme._ _The Creative Industries Safety Passport is an approved course on the Production 'Safety Passport' scheme run by the 'Production Safety Group', made up of representatives of major UK Broadcasters, Indies, BECTU and Creative Skillset (The Sector Skills Council for Creative Media). This scheme supports mutual recognition of agreed safety training between the participants to avoid unnecessary retraining and ensure consistency._   CWMPAS Pob un sy’n rhannu eu data personol trwy archebu lle ar gwrs Pasbort Diogelwch Diwydiannau Creadigol, boed yn aelodau neu beidio, yn unol â gofynion y Rheoliad Diogelu Data Cyffredinol. _SCOPE___ _All members and non-members who book onto a CRISP course whose personal data is collected, in line with the requirements of the GDPR._ CYFRIFOLDEBAU Yr Adran Hyfforddiant sy'n gyfrifol am sicrhau bod yr hysbysiad hwn ar gael i fyfyrwyr cyn i Prospect gasglu/ brosesu eu data personol. Mae holl staff Prospect sydd yn ymwneud gyda gwrthrychau data yn gyfrifol am sicrhau bod yr hysbysiad hwn yn dod i sylw'r myfyrwyr fel bod yna sicrhad o ganiatâd ar gyfer prosesu ei data. _RESPONSIBILITIES___ _The Training Department is responsible for ensuring that this notice is made available to students prior to Prospect collecting/processing their personal data._ _All staff of Prospect who interact with data subjects are responsible for ensuring that this notice is drawn to student's attention and their consent to the processing of their data is secured._ _---_ Mae BECTU yn rhan o Prospect, ac yn darparu cyrsiau hyfforddiant ar gyfer aelodau, a phobl nad sydd yn aelodau. Yn unol â'r canllawiau a gyhoeddwyd gan Swyddfa'r Comisiynydd Gwybodaeth (ICO), mae Prospect yn "rheolwr data" at ddibenion eich data personol. Gellir dod o hyd i brif bolisi preifatrwydd Prospect yma []. Mae Prospect yn ymrwymedig i ddiogelu eich preifatrwydd ac i gydymffurfio â'n rhwymedigaethau o dan y Rheoliad Diogelu Data Cyffredinol a Deddf Diogelu Data 2018.. Rydych chi neu eich cwmni wedi darparu data er mwyn inni gyflawni ein rhwymedigaethau cytundebol, ac mae'r gwaith o brosesu'r data a gyflenwir gennych yn angenrheidiol ar gyfer cyflawni'r cytundeb yr ydych wedi ymrwymo iddo gyda Prospect/BECTU. _BECTU is a sector of Prospect, and provides training courses for members and non-members. In accordance with guidance issued by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), Prospect is a “data controller” for the purposes of your personal data. Prospect’s main privacy policy can be found at []_ _Prospect is committed to protecting your privacy and complying with our obligations under the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018._ _The data that you have provided or your company has provided is to fulfil our contractual obligations, and the processing of the data supplied by you is necessary for the performance of the contract to which you have entered into with Prospect/BECTU._ Dyma'r data hoffwn gasglu gennych chi: * Enw * Manylion Cyswllt * Ebost * Llun / ffotograff * Rhif aelodaeth undeb * Manylion Banc * Cymhwysterau * Oedran * iaith _The personal data we would like to collect from you are:_ * _Name_ * _Contact Details_ * _Email_ * _Photograph_ * _Union membership number_ * _Bank Details_ * _Qualifications_ * _Age_ * _Language_ Fe fydd y data personol a gasglwn yn cael ei ddefnyddio gogyfer â: * Gweinyddu'r system archebu arlein  * Cysylltu gyda chi ynglŷn ag unrhyw fater yn deillio o’ch dymuniad i archebu lle ar y cwrs. * Prosesu eich ffi neu daliad ar gyfer y cwrs. * Dosbarthu rhestr myfyrwyr i diwtor y cwrs. * Cadw cofnod o bresenoldeb drwy lenwi talennau cofrestr y cwrs. * Eich hysbysu chi gyda chanlyniadau'r asesiad.  * Trosglwyddo data i' Sefydliad Diogelwch ac Iechyd Galwedigaethol er mwyn achredu a chyhoeddi cerdyn pasbort * Danfon cerdyn pasbort newydd trwy’r post.  * Lanlwytho manylion yr hyfforddiant i gronfa ddata wedi ei rhannu trwy wefan. The personal data we collect will be used for the following purposes: * Administration of the online booking process * To contact you regarding any matter arising from your booking or attendance at the course. * To process the payment fee for the course * To distribute a student list to the course tutor * To keep a record of course attendance by the completion of sign in sheets * To inform you of your assessment result * To transfer data to IOSH for accreditation and issuing of passport card * To Mail out passport card or replacement card * To upload training details to database on shared website Casglwn y categorïau arbennig o ddata personol canlynol: * Hil * Ethnigrwydd * Cyfeiriadedd rhyw * Anabledd * Aelodaeth o undebau llafur  The special categories of personal data we collect are: * Race * Ethnicity * Sexual orientation * Disability * Trade union membership   ------------------------- Polisi Canslo ac Ad-daliadau: Bydd ad-daliad llawn yn cael ei rhoi i gynrychiolwyr sy’n canslo o leiaf bythefnos cyn y digwyddiad. O fewn y bythefnos cyn y digwyddiad, oni bai ein bod ni’n gallu dod o hyd i rywun arall i gymryd eich lle, ni fyddem yn gallu rhoi ad-daliad. Gadewch i ni wybod cyn gynted â phosib os na fyddwch yn gallu mynychu. -------------------------  Cancellation and Refunds Policy A full refund will be issued to delegates who cancel at least 2 weeks prior to the event. Delegates who cancel within the 2 week period will not be eligible for a refund unless we are able to find someone else to take their place. Please let us know as soon as possible if you find you're no longer able to attend the workshop. ------------------------- Os yw arian neu rhywbeth arall yn rhwystr i chi allu mynychu cyrsiau CULT Cymru e.e. incwm isel, newydd ddychwelyd i’r gwaith, IECHYD, cyfrifoldebau gofal, rhesymau diwyllianol ayyb cysylltwch â er mwyn trafod eich anghenion yn gyfrinachol   If money or something else is a barrier to you being able to attend CULT Cymru courses e.g. low income, new return to work, HEALTH, care responsibilities, cultural reasons etc please contact in order to discuss your needs confidentially
28/02/2020 Last update

cathedral rd 1
wales, wales, gb

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  1. Cardiff
  2. CRISP: Pasbort Iechyd a Diogelwch / CRISP: Health and Safety Passport