We are pleased to present EYST's 3rd Annual Race Conference marking UN Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. This year's conference 'Power to the People?' will explore BAME Leadership and Representation in Wales, illuminating the evidence about where we are on this in Wales, where progress remains to be made, and showcasing and reflecting on examples of success and good practice including:
EYST's BAME Routes to Public Life Mentoring Scheme
SubSaharan Advisory Panel (SSAP)'s Next Gen Activists Change Programme
Serving Councillors and Leaders from BME Backgrounds
The event has been sponsored by and will be opened by Deputy Minister and Chief Whip Jane Hutt AM, and will include Presentations, Q & A Panels and opportunities for debate and discussion. We hope that discussions on the day will inform Welsh Government and other public sector strategies on increasing representation amongst public and civil society leadership in Wales.
Join us to be part of these dicsusions, learn from others, and help shape a future Wales where power and decision making is more equitably shared.
A light Halal and Vegetarian Lunch will be provided. Please contact us with any access, communications or dietary requirements.