
International Cheese & Wine Party!!! & Walk?

International Cheese & Wine Party!!! & Walk?
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**Only limited to 10 Foodies. Sign up only if you are confirmed coming. No last minute cancellation please.**

Will prepare a selection of international cheese and wine selection by Wine Sommelier(Sparkling&White&Red), plus some simple snacks and sliders to go with them.

Foodies please come with an empty stomach and good spirit.

Estimated cost per person: JPY3000 (to cover ingredients & materials)

Views - 27/01/2019 Last update
food wine party
Tsukiji Station Exit 3 (outside Denny's)
東京都中央区築地 3丁目4-12104-0045, Chuo , JP
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東京都中央区築地 3丁目4-12104-0045, Chuo , JP
Tsukiji Station Exit 3 (outside Denny's)
東京都中央区築地 3丁目4-12104-0045, Chuo , JP
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