Course title: International course on Qualitative Data Management and Thematic Analysis using NVivo 12
Training venue : Abuja, Nigeria
How to Register
05/06/2023 - 09/06/2023 :
Email :
Phone no: +254707053111
Course Description
Most research activities nowadays employ the use of mixed methods that embrace both qualitative and quantitative data. Managing and analyzing qualitative data can be a trying experience. Qualitative data is multifaceted, rich in nature, unstructured and at times can be overwhelming. Qualitative researchers now have the option to apply computer technology in their approach for data management and analysis to ease the complexity of the research process. This course aims to build the capacity of qualitative researchers in qualitative data management and analysis using NVivo software. NVivo is designed for qualitative researchers working with very rich text-based and/or multimedia information, where deep levels of analysis on small or large volumes of data are required. The software has many features that can assist to simplify the whole process of doing qualitative research.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course the participants will be able to:
• Understand qualitative analysis approaches
• Understand different qualitative data collection methods
• Set up a project in NVivo
• Create a framework for qualitative data analysis using NVivo
• Carry out qualitative data analysis using NVIVO
• Write quality reports that arise from qualitative research process.
Who should enroll?
This training course is ideal for researchers and data handling professionals such as M&E staff. The course aims at improving the capacity of qualitative researchers who want to “technologize” their approach in qualitative data management and analysis.
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• Service delivery through highly seasoned industry experts.
• Value for money