
Digital Cartography and GIS Mapping using ArcMap

Digital Cartography and GIS Mapping using ArcMap
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Course Title: Digital Cartography and GIS Mapping using ArcMap

Duration: 5 Days

Date: 08/03/2021 - 12/03/2021

Location: Vital Extra Learning Center, Abuja, Nigeria

Cost: $850

Course Description

Cartography is a fundamental training in map drafting, compilation, symbolization, scales, projections, and map reproduction, including an emphasis on the conceptual planning and designing of maps and graphs as a medium for communication. It is the knowledge associated with the art, science and technology of maps and seeks to portray spatial relationships among selected phenomena. Cartography has undergone a radical transformation through the introduction of digital technology but the fundamental principles remain the same and unchanged. This course provides hands-on skills on digital cartography, its principles, concepts, software and hardware necessary to produce good maps, especially in the context of GIS. Once, only cartographers made maps. Today anyone can. With coaching from experienced cartographers from Vital Extra Learning and Consultancy, participants will become proficient in map making.


Learning outcomes

By the end of this course the participants will be able to:

• Grasp the various purposes, roles and representations of cartographic presentation.

• Gain and practice the use of cartographic language in the creative design of digital maps.

• Gain skills in digital cartographic design, representation and production in a GIS environment.

• Gain an understanding of digital cartographic software and its uses.


Who should enroll?

This course is suitable for land surveyors, geodesist, engineers, geometricians, geo-informationists, cartographers, geologist, geophysicist and other earth research scientists.


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Why train with us

Vital Extra Learning guarantees our clients:

• State-of-the-art facilities and training infrastructure

• Extended tradition of hand-holding during post engagement

• Service delivery through highly seasoned industry experts.

• Value for money

Views - 13/03/2021 Last update
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Vital Extra Learning Center, Abuja, Nigeria, Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria
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Vital Extra Learning Center, Abuja, Nigeria, Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria
Vital Extra Learning Center, Abuja, Nigeria, Abuja, Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria
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