This is a free short online update delivered by THT Norfolk for all
practitioners promoting sexual health in Norfolk.Aim:
To introduce you to the C-Card Scheme so you can consider setting your
service up, either as a C Card Lite Point ( condoms for 13-24s, cards
for 16-24s) or a C card Point ( Cards and condoms for 13-24s)
By the end of the session you will
Have gained an overview of what the THT C Card Scheme is, how it works
and what to do if you want to offer it
Understand the difference between C Card Points and C card Lite Points
so you know which your organisation is, or can choose to be
Know how you can promote your own C Card service, signpost to other C
Card Points, or signpost to C Card even if your organisation doesnt
offer the service itself
Know how you order stock and return data to THT that records your
organisations activity
Be able to join a young person 16-24 yrs to the scheme, and feel
confident about giving them an option to talk about sex and
relationships if they want it
Be able to make condom collection packs available to anyone who has
either a C Card Under 16 or a C card Lite
Signpost to local iCaSH clinics and services
This is a free short training and information session provided via
Zoom. Joining details for the session will be sent to the email
address you provide. Please ensure you sign in promptly to minimise
any delays is starting the session.
Your Privacy - The information you provide in registering for this
course is only used by Terrence Higgins Trust for the purposes of
providing you with the details you need to attend the Zoom session. We
do not share this information with third parties or use it for any
purposes other than stated above. Please see Eventbrite for further
information on how this website manages your personal information.
26/10/2020 Last update