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Plural Cultures - Plural Spaces

Fri 19 May 2017
9:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Plural Cultures - Plural Spaces Taking the Institut des Cultures d’Islam [] as the object of its study, this one-day conference will explore Franco-British comparative perspectives on the Institute as part of a wider reflection on contemporary cultural spaces and their role in both modern retellings of national history and the stimulation of cultural variety to create new forms of openness of the mind and of space. ------------------------- FRIDAY 19 MAY, 9:00-17:30, ULIP _A series of panel sessions considering comparative Franco-British perspectives on the issues and interests surrounding the creation new cultural centres and contemporary art. _ 9.00-9.15: Welcome and Coffee. 9.15-9.30: Introduction – _Mapping the pluralisation of contemporary cultural Institutes_, Anna-Louise Milne [], ULIP. 9.30-11.00: _Thinking the plurality of Islamic cultures in France and Great Britain_ with Alison Scott-Baumann [], SOAS on “Decolonizing the agora, how to re-develop a cultural identity on the street with the terrorist,” and Nacira Guénif-Souilamas [], Paris 8. 11.00-11.45: Discussion lead by Isabel Hollis [], Queens University Belfast. 11.45-12.45: Cultural locations, cultural identities : thinking through space towards the challenges of multicultural societies with Sophie Zeller [], Sous-Directrice de la Direction des affaires culturelles de la Ville de Paris, reponse and discussion lead by Anna-Louise Milne, ULIP. 12.45-14.15: Lunch (not provided) 14.15-16.45: Contemporary art, Islamic cultures and the world city with Clara Turpin, Université de Québec, Morad Montazami [], Tate Modern, and Stéphane Malfettes [], Palais de la Porte dorée/History of Immigration Museum. 16.45-17.30: Closing remarks from Claire Launchbury [], School of Advanced Study. 
culture Museum courses conventions food
20/05/2017 Last update

University of London Institute in Paris
9 Rue de Constantine, Paris, 75007, Île-de-France, France

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  1. University of London Institute in Paris
  2. Plural Cultures - Plural Spaces