WEBINAR DESCRIPTION: This webinar will consider differences in the
commonly -used concept of moral injury and the seldom-reviewed concept
of spiritual injury (for example, injuries to one's relationship and
experiences with God, sense of justice and reconciliation, life
meaning and purpose). After differentiating these twin injuries, the
presentation will explore the roles of clergy in helping Veterans who
have experienced spiritual injury._“… though wounded warriors
often do experience moral injury as currently defined, they also
suffer spiritual injury in combat and may feel its debilitating,
life-long effects, perhaps most acutely in their families. Moral
injury and spiritual injury are sibling twins of the same mother but
distinct indeed, and like all twins must be treated as
To help training participants to distinguish between moral and
spiritual injury
To appreciate the role of the family system in healing
To familiarize oneself with potential pastoral responses
CHAPLAIN (COLONEL) TIMOTHY MALLARD has served in a number of roles
with distinction during his career with the US Army. Among his roles,
he has served as Staff and Faculty at the US Army War College and as
Command Chaplain, US Army. His current role is Director, Recruitment
andEndorser Realtions, Office of the Chief of Chaplains, based at the
In the Winter issue of Providence magazine, Chaplain Mallard published
an essay titled, The (Twin) Wounds of War. In it, he delineated
differences between moral and spiritual injury and stressed the
importance of dealing effectively for both issues with US combat
Veterans. We are very pleased to have the opportunity of having this
very important topic available to a larger audience.
21/03/2019 Last update