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3D2N Wholeness Retreat

From Thu 19 October 2017 to Sun 22 October 2017
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

FRIENDS,ARE YOU READY TO BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR?   Are you ready to take charge of your health? Are you ready to be the driver of your health? Are you ready to start a medical education by yourself, for yourself and your loved ones?   Hi, Im Dr Romy Paredes...   an A-B-normal”, “off-the-grid” medical doctor he he.  I was trained as a medical doctor in one of the biggest training hospitals in the country. For almost 10 years, from pre-medical school to medical school, I have learned the art of prescribing, the art of treating symptoms, the art of segregating a human body into different parts (the heart – specialty of cardiologists, the kidney – specialty of nephrologists, the lungs – specialty of pulmonologists, the liver and stomach – specialty of gastroenterologists, the brain – specialty of neurologists). I have also learned the art of segregating the human body into disease classifications. (cancer – specialty of oncologists, diabetes and thyroid disorders – specialty of endocrinologists, skin disorders – specialty of dermatologists, auto-immune diseases and allergies – specialty of allergologists, infections – specialty of infectious disease specialists). And so on and so forth.  But how about specializing the whole human being?  How is it called?  General practitioner?  But even general practitioners still end up in the culture of prescribing.  What do I mean?  Friends, have you been to a doctor lately? What words do you see in the prescription pad? Words of strategies on how to take charge of our health or just a litany of drugs to take?  Think about it. We are the true owners of our health! Through the years of my exploration in the world of medicine, both conventional and alternative, I have practically tried, tested, evaluated almost every modality that each side has to offer. Both sides offer a complex array of methodologies, but looking at the simplicity behind the complexity, the real secret is already built-in in each one of us, it is already pre-installed from the very beginning.  When it comes to knowledge, something is being added everyday.
When it comes to wisdom, something is being subtracted everyday.
Indeed, in my continuing search for higher levels of truths, I have been subtracting. I have been shifting from one level of truth to another. And as I go through the process, I realized things are becoming more simple. Albert Einstein was really right when he once said, “Genius lies in making the complicated simple!” I envision a new health care system that the patients are the real doctors, the doctors are our real guides who are on our side, not on the side of industries.
I envision a new health care system that we are the true owners of our health, not owned by industries. I envision a new health care system that the medical education is attended by people who want to be their own doctors, who want to learn to be the driver of their health, people who want to be the doctor of their loved ones.
I envision such places of self health education…both virtual and actual.
I envision a new health care system that is built by the people and for the people….not a system that is built by industries and for greed. Is this possible? Friends, we are only limited by our imaginations.
If we all help each other to imagine a better world.
If we all help each other to imagine a better health care system.
If we all help each other to empower ourselves to take charge of our own health.
If we all help each other to become catalysts of change
If we all help each other to make our small “ripples” become “waves”.
If we open our hearts and minds to the grace and wisdom of God.   THEN IT IS POSSIBLE!!! Together, we can make things happen. Together, we can manifest the greatness of our beings.   BATCH 34 OF THE HEALTH EMPOWERMENT AND WHOLENESS RETREAT IS  NOW OPEN!   In the next 3-days and 2-nights, we will help each other to empower ourselves to take charge of our health towards HEALING and WHOLENESS. We will become our own best doctor by tapping and reconnecting with our true self as we open our Hearts and Minds to the grace and wisdom of God.   MAJOR TOPICS TO BE EXPLORED IN THE NEXT THREE DAYS:          The Different Levels of Truth          The Bottom-line Causes of Diseases               The Secret of Cardiovascular Disease              Long Term Health Vs. Short Term Health          Perfection Perception          Fragmentation Vs. Wholeness          The Ultimate Healing Mechanism          The Laboratory of the Future          Demystifying Cancer                     Understanding Emotions, Experiences and Cell Memory   THE PACKAGE INCLUDES:            Meals and Snacks (Raw and Cooked Vegetarian)          Private Rooms (Each room has a treasure box where a special gift is waiting for you)          Welcome Kit          Living the Powerful Habits Life Changing Talks          Film Showing          Relaxation and Meditation          Certificate of Achievement          And Many More Surprises   INVEST IN YOUR HEALTH    Just by looking at the figures, you will be surprised as to how much you will save -- as you will soon be saying goodbye to maintenance medicines, to the unnecessary medical bills and professional fees -- not including the many perks of fun, food, and programs during this 3 days and 2 nights.   EXPERIENCE THIS WHOLENESS Retreat FOR ONLY PHP 13,680   This is Dr. Romy Paredes, reminding you that only when our perception is healed then the true healing of the body, mind, and spirit actually begins. Everybody here in Wellnessland is very much excited to see you and journey with you as you take this "simple yet powerful" path of becoming your OWN BEST DOCTOR!    
courses workshop vegetarian
23/10/2017 Last update

Wellnessland Health Institute
Sikatuna Street 314-C, Cebu City, 6000, Central Visayas, Philippines

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  2. 3D2N Wholeness Retreat